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Sucks up the carbon doixide. Carbon dioxide is every animal's breath and heats up the atmosphere.

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Q: How do trees and plants cool the earth?
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Related questions

What are the most common type of plants on earth?

The most common types of plants on Earth are angiosperms (flowering plants) and gymnosperms (non-flowering seed plants). Within these categories, grasses, trees, and shrubs are among the most widespread plant species.

What is a living thing that grows in the earth?

plants, trees, bacteria

What are the endangered trees?

Endangered are not only trees, these are species of animals and plants,that are on the verge of vanishing from the earth.

How does pollution inpact the earth and environment?

the extra garbge can get in our plants such as trees which we need to breeth. the extra garbge can get in our plants such as trees which we need to breeth.

What do land plants such as large trees get their water from?

All plants, including trees get their water from the earth through their roots with just a few exceptions.

How many plants does earth have?

There are in trillions of plants growing all around the Earth. They range from single blades of grass to huge trees.

How do plants help?

plants help the earth and they make oygen for you to breath just like trees do

How is most of the oxygen on Earth produced?

By plants and planktonMost of the Earth's oxygen is produced by plants, both on surface and under water. Algae.

What trees can survive earth worms?

I don't think earth worms harm trees. Generally, they are beneficial to plants as they aerate the soil around the root systems.

How do plants change the earth surface?

By, trees falling,taking over homes

How much of the Earth do plants cover?

Earth has about 15% or 20% of plant existents.

What will happen to the earth when we die?

the earth will rot because nobody is in it and they would be no plants and trees no one could live in it