

How do tsunamis communicate with other objects?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Tsunamis do not communicate. They are not alive nor do they have a means of processing information.

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Q: How do tsunamis communicate with other objects?
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How and why do objects communicate with each other?

Non-sentient objects do not communicate.

Are tsunamis connected to any other natural phenomena?

Yes. Tsunamis are often triggered by earthquakes.

Can energy be released in an earthquake that can cause landslides and tsunamis?

No, because earthquakes can cause landslides but not tsunamis in other words earthquakes under the ocean can lead to tsunamis

What causes mega tsunamis?

Landslides and other big impacts like volcanic eruptions cause mega tsunamis

Do tsunamis have weather geologic or humans cause?

Tsunamis are geologic in origin. Typically they are triggered by earthquakes, but other causes can include landslides and volcanic eruptions.

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No. There were large waves, but waves produce by hurricanes and other storms, not matter how big, are not tsunamis. Tsunamis are a very different type of wave.

Are there any categories for tsunamis' size?

No. There is no rating system for tsunamis as there is for other natural disasters. Heights are simply given in feet or meters.

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What other effects do earthquake bring?

landslides, liquefaction, and tsunamis.

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