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Q: How do typhoons affect Korea?
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How do typhoons affect people's lives?

Typhoons can destroy homes and buildings

How do typhoons affect the lives of the people?

Typhoons affect the lives of people because it maked them lose there homes and they will be shelterless and children might not have a school so they could not have any education.

How many typhoons affect Japan a year?

The typhoons affect japan by the houses alot of the old houses in japan have heavy rooves to stop them being blown off! Also like earthquakes they have typhoon drills.

How do typhoons effect the economy of Bangladesh?

Typhoons affect the economy as they may easily destroy commercial buildings which lead to incredible losses. Typhoons also make it difficult for investors to commit their money knowing they may end up losing it to such disasters.

How landforms and bodies of water affect typhoons?

Landforms and bodies of water will affect typhoons very differently. A typhoon will typically gain energy and momentum from warm ocean water and will lose energy and momentum over cold water and interactions with land.

How do landforms and bodies of water affect a typhoon?

Landforms and bodies of water affect typhoons based on what or how strong the energy is released by the landforms and bodies of water. Typhoons gain energy from warm ocean water and lose energy over cold water. Particularly, landforms lessen the strength of typhoons whenever the winds impact them

How do mountains affect typhoons?

When a typhoon hits land with mountains, the typhoon's effect will be weakened because of the obstruction.

Do Monsoons affect the climates of both North Korea and South Korea?


How does the weather in Korea move?

Summer Typhoons are usually loop around and then pass from south west to north east on the peninsula. Winter storms are usually Nor'WESTerners.

Can you help prevent typhoons?

Typhoons cannot be prevented.

Does uk get typhoons?

No, typhoons are a southeast Asia phenomena.

Why do typhoons never hit land?

Typhoons do hit land.