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Q: How do ultraviolet rays get through your atmosphere?
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Do ultraviolet waves get through earth's atmosphere?

Ultraviolet light does come through the Earth's atmosphere. These are the waves that cause sunburn, and are usually referred to as UV rays.

What is the layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays from the sun?

The UV rays must pass through atmosphere. So the layer must be in Atmosphere. The layer of the atmosphere is he ozone layer.

Why do harmful x-rays and ultraviolet rays from the sun not harm us on earth?

X-rays and gamma rays from the sun are black by the atmosphere. The ozone layer partially blocks out ultraviolet rays, but some do get through, creating a risk of sunburn, skin cancer, and eye damage.

Do the The atmosphere screens out the sun's ultraviolet rays?

yes.... S.L.

Why are ultraviolet rays more dangerous on high mountains?

At high altitudes, where the air and cloud cover are thinner, it allows more damaging UV rays to get through the atmosphere.

What is mostly affected by the suns ultraviolet rays?

The ozone layer is mostly affected the by the suns ultraviolet rays. This layer is present in the stratospheric region of atmosphere.

What is that thing in the atmosphere that blocks out ultraviolet sun rays?

ozone or O3

What kinds of solar energy are absorbed by earth's atmosphere?

ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, gamma rays......

What role did the ozone play in the development of your current atmosphere?

It protects the Earth from ultraviolet rays or U.V rays.

What layer of the atmosphere absorbs x rays coming from the sun?

The atmosphere does not filter X-rays. It does filter ultraviolet radiation, in the ozone layer.

What is the layer in the atmosphere which has a benificial effect of absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays?

The Ozone.

What part of earth atmosphere absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays?

The ozone layer.