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Q: How do unicellular organisms gain energy?
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Do unicellular organisms use energy for everything?

Unicellular organisms do not use energy for everything. For instance, diffusion across the cell membrane of the organism does not require the use of energy.

How do unicellular organisms get energy?

Structures help them moveUnicellular organisms move by what is called a flagellum. A flagellum is a whip-like tail found on a unicellular organism, it whips it back and forth to move.

How do unicellular organisms reproduce?

Most of the unicellular organisms reproduces asexually.

What diseases cause unicellular organism?

Diseases do not cause unicellular organisms; unicellular organisms cause diseases.

What disadvantages do Unicellular organisms have when compared to Multicellular organisms?

Colonies of unicellular organisms can work together.

Are unicellular organisms primitive?

Yew , unicellular organisms are more primitive as compared to multicellular organisms .

The anaerobic pathways provide enough energy to meet all of the energy needs of?

many unicellular and some multicellular organisms

Did unicellular or multicellular organisms evolve first?

Unicellular organisms evolved first; and from them evolved the multicellular organisms. But that leads onto another question as to why multicellular organisms evolved.

Is a Stentor Multicellular or Unicellular?

Stentors are indeed unicellular organisms.

Do all kingdoms include some unicellular organisms?

Not all kingdoms include unicellular organisms. The kingdoms that do not have unicellular organisms include the plantae and animalia kingdom.

What are the examples of unicellular organisms?

the examples of unicellular organisms are BACTERIA, CHLASMYDAMONAS, EUKARYOTES (EUKARYYOTA).

Do modern organisms have unicellular ancestors?

All modern organisms have unicellular ancestors. Even you.