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It uses by feeding the food vacuole into the extended pseudopod

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Q: How do unicellular organisms use phagocytosis to get nutrition?
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What are two organisms that would use phagocytosis?

i hate science class - Austin Patton

What is the use of binary fission?

unicellular organisms are used for binary fission there are 3 organisms bacteria jelly fish tape worm

Why don't marine unicellular organisms have contractile vacuoles?

Because the ocean is hypertonic to the cell, rending the CV of little to no use.

How do unicellular organisms use locomotion?

Cilia (hairlike structures) and Flagella(whip-like tails) help organisms move.

Is this true does nutrition intake and use of food by living things is?

Nutrition does mean the intake and use of food by living organisms. Just remember that it also includes plants making their own food by photosynthesis.

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Do unicellular organisms use energy for everything?

Unicellular organisms do not use energy for everything. For instance, diffusion across the cell membrane of the organism does not require the use of energy.

Do unicellular organisms use binary fission?


What are two organisms that would use phagocytosis?

i hate science class - Austin Patton

What life functions are carried out by unicellular organisms?

Well you see unicellular organisms are very unique in the fact that they live all on their own and move around with a flagellum or little motor, but to the point unicellular organisms carry out esscentally every function in life and they must in order to simply survive. One function is reproduction and they reproduce asexually

How do most unicellular organisms reproduce?

Budding is one method unicellular organisms use to reproduce. Essentially, a daughter organism begins to grow attached to the parent and eventually separates. Both parent and daughter have identical DNA. Yeasts use this method.

How do unicellular organisms use sensitivity in reference to the mrs gren acronym?

Euglena are unicellular organisms which are sensitive to light. They respond to light via their pigmented eye spot located on the top of the organism.

What is the use of binary fission?

unicellular organisms are used for binary fission there are 3 organisms bacteria jelly fish tape worm

Do unicellular organisms undergo meiosis?

NO NYCgirl_1 edit: Unicellular organisms reproduce asexually but creating an exact replica of their nucleus and split in half. A very famous example of this is Ameobas. They split directly down the middle creating a clone of themselves, and therefore reproducing asexually

How do unicellular organisms get energy?

Structures help them moveUnicellular organisms move by what is called a flagellum. A flagellum is a whip-like tail found on a unicellular organism, it whips it back and forth to move.

Why don't marine unicellular organisms have contractile vacuoles?

Because the ocean is hypertonic to the cell, rending the CV of little to no use.

What organisms produce the biosphere's food supply?

Organisms that produce the biosphere's food supply are called producers. Producers consist of plants, trees and some unicellular organisms. All of these use photosynthesis.

Is amoeba a hetertroph or autotroph?

Amoebas are heterotrophs, meaning they obtain their food by consuming other organisms or organic matter for energy. They do not perform photosynthesis like autotrophs to produce their own food.