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Q: How do vibrations travel through the ear?
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How does sound move through a medium?

Vibrations are carried through the atoms in a structure. When these vibrations travel through air, they are amplified by the ear drum and sensed by nerves as sound.

Do vibrations travel through air?

Yes. If they didn't you wouldn't hear sound. Your ear picks up the vibrations it receives and interprets them as sounds.

What the ear does?

The ear receives vibrations or sound waves in the air through the ear's opening and down the ear canal. These vibrations strike the eardrum, which then makes vibrations. These vibrations are passed to three bones in the middle ear and into the cochlea, which then translates the vibrations into sound.

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Dolphins 'hear' with their lower jaw! (the sound vibrations travel through the lower jaw to the inner ear)

What part of the ear changes the sound waves that travel down your ear into vibrations?

the middle ear

Trace the path of sound waves as they enter the ear Start with the outer ear?

Sound waves first enter the outer ear, which consists of the pinna (visible portion) and the ear canal. The pinna helps collect sound waves and directs them into the ear canal. The sound waves then travel through the ear canal and reach the eardrum (tympanic membrane) at the end of the canal.

How does your ear work?

The sound waves (which have to travel through some kind of matter to exist) travel in your ear, then hit your eardrums, making them vibrate. These vibrations of your eardrums send a signal to your brain, telling it what sound has been made.

When you speak what do the vibrations have to travel through to get to the microphone?

They travel through the air.

Does the eardrum send messages to the inner ear?

Yes. Ear drum send messages to inner ear in the form of vibrations. These vibrations are transmitted through three small bones in the middle ear.

How does putting your ear to the ground help you hear better?

Hearing is a result of vibrations. The sound waves move through the air and vibrate your ear drum. The vibrations are translated by the brain as familiar sounds. Similarly, walls and doors resonate to the same sound waves and act like giant ear drums. By placing your ear to the door, you are effectively able to "transfer" those vibrations from the door (or wall) to your ear and hear, more clearly, what is happening on the other side.

What is a fact on hearing?

The outer ear directs sound vibrations through the auditory canal to the eardrum, which is stretched across the end of the auditory canal and which transmits sound vibrations to the middle ear. There a chain of three tiny bones conducts the vibrations to the inner ear. Fluid inside the cochlea of the inner ear stimulates sensory hairs; these in turn initiate the nerve impulses that travel along the auditory nerve to the brain.