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increasing the matabolic rate.

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Q: How do warm blooded animals respond to higher temperatures?
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Warm-blooded animals respond to higher temperatures by?

having a slower rate of metabolism-novanet

Warm-blooded animals respond to higher tempertrue by?

sweating or some other means of lowering their body temp.

Are seabirds coldblooded?

All species of bird are warm blooded animals. This means that they can regulate their body temperature, an important aspect considering that the higher levels of the atmosphere have low temperatures.

Is a monkey warm blooded?

All species of primates are warm-blooded.

Are wolfs cold blooded?

No a wolf is not a cold blooded animal. Wolves are mammals and they are warm-blooded. A warm blooded animal Will have a body temperature that is higher than its surrounding environment. Warm blooded animals are mainly mammals and birds. The wolf would not be a cold blooded animal. Cold blooded animals have a body temperature which reflects the environmental temperature. Cold blooded animals are mainly invertebrates, Fish, reptiles and amphibians.

How cold are cold blodded animals?

It all depends on the animal, generally speaking a cold blooded animal is the same temp as it's surroundings. For example if we're talking about a fish and the water is 40f then typically so is the fish's temp.

What is cold blooded animal?

There are many animals that are ectotherms (the term cold-blooded is not used as frequently because their blood temperature can often be much higher than that of other animals). These animals include; insects, reptiles, amphibians and fish.

Are flamingos coldblooded?

Flamingos are not cold blooded, I learned this from are you smarter than a fifth grader.

Do particles in matter move more quickly at lower temperatures or higher temperatures?

At higher temperatures.

What are the disadvantages of being coldblooded?

High body temperature protects body from fungi to which cold-blooded animals are vulnerable, but creates suitable environment for viruses, bacteria and parasites to live in. A reptile's immune system is more efficient when the animals is warmer, however, since bacteria probably grow more slowly in lower temperatures, reptiles sometimes lower their body temperatures when they have an infection.[1]

Is the gray wolf warm blooded or cold blooded?

Wolves are mammals, and all mammals are warm blooded. "hot blooded" isn't used in Biology, but is generally used for people who get angry and flare up easily.

What are some biological features of the desert?

Although I am not sure how prominent they are, there are cold-blooded animals in the desert because of the extreme temperature change during the day. For a warmblooded, it is very energy consuming to cool itself during the day and warm itself during the night. But, the cold-blooded animals can vary their temperatures accordingly, (not waste that energy) and have a better chance of survival than the warmblooded ones. And as an obvious fact, it is harder to find water in a desert so animals who have endurance to thrist and higher capacity to store liquids would be prominent such as camels