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You could try two ways. One is to have the executor/administrator contact the army to request a copy of the discharge papers. The army will have certain procedures and paperwork, with which you will have to comply. The second is to see if your particular state records them. In New Jersey, veterans' discharge papers are recorded just the way deeds are recorded in order to ensure that they could be retrieved in the event the veteran lost the originals. Contact the state or county recording office to inquire about that.

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Q: How do we get a copy of a deceased family member's army discharge papers?
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Who files the discharge papers?

People in the administration will end up filing the discharge papers, however most are recycled after their entry into the database

What can you use for discharge?

For vaginal discharge, you can use over-the-counter antifungal or antibiotic creams, suppositories, or oral medications as directed by your healthcare provider. It's essential to consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, as discharge can be caused by various factors. Additionally, practicing good hygiene, wearing breathable cotton underwear, and avoiding douching can help manage discharge.

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Yes your papers will list all the creditor that was discharged. I did some research and found out myself.

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The doctor will discharge the patient from the hospital once they have fully recovered.

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You would have to specify where on the discharge papers (I'm assuming you're referring to a DD-214) it's found at.

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Discharge papers (the DD-214) are filled and printed out at the post/base where the service member is completing their separation from.

What can you send a soldier?

discharge papers and a ticket home

Do have to turn in papers on a deceased horse?

If the horse is registered with a breed society or studbook you are usually required to notify them of the death of the animal. Some societies will mark the horses papers as deceased and then return them to you.

How long until you receive national guard discharge papers?

For honorable discharge, from 2 to 6 months.

What does the dischares papers for abortions look like?

The discharge papers, you mean? Depends on the hospital or clinic where it's performed.

Will hospital discharge papers be sufficient as to why you missed court?

If the discharge papers state the date(s) you were admitted, then yes, they should suffice. However, you might be asked why you didn't call and notify the court you were unavailable.

What is the name of the person who names your child?

any of your family members can give ideas, but to make the name official and sign papers are the parents of the child