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Q: How do we measure how strong a sound seems to us?
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Degregation should be spelled Degradation. It is that it seems most of us pronounce the work with a g-sound.

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Temperature, Humidity and precipitation. Didn't look this up but seems to be the right answer.They are type of weathers but the three things that you could measure the weather with is compass to measure the wind is traveling at and the thermometer to tell us how hot or cold it is.

Why do subwoofers vibrate you?

Sound is vibration of the air that we detect mostly with our ears. When the sound (vibration) gets to low enough frequencies and is strong enough it vibrates other things, like the walls, floor, furniture, and us!

What is the sound of loud?

Sound is mechanical energy. As such, it presents as a force on us, particularly our ears. When we think of "loud" as it relates to sound, it is a relative term. A sneeze is loud compared to a pin dropping on a hardwood floor. A hammer striking a nail is not as loud as a big firecracker exploding. The term loudness could be applied to the measure of the amount of sound, and we often use the bel (commonly, the decibel) to measure sound. The decibel is actually a comparison of a sound level to another or to a standard. No better proof of the relative nature of the word "loud" can probably be found than that.

What unit is used to express the intensity of sound?


What is the name of a Sound in the Northwest US?

Puget Sound.

How does sound help us appreciate the things around us?

Sound helps us in a number of ways. Sounds help warn us of danger. Speech is a type of sound and one of the ways in which we communicate. Sound also helps with learning, as it is a way to take in information.

How is sound energy is used?

sound is used through sound waves wich are all around us in the air.

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Why do I stop feeling emotions and love occasionally?

Think of your emotions like waves. They sometimes are strong and forceful, hitting against the walls of our hearts and making the loud sound of thunder within us. At other times, they're gentle and moving back into the ocean, just a trickle against the softest parts of us. The water is always there; it just seems different depending on the tides just as love is always there but it, also, feels different depending on where we are and what we're doing. The love may not be just isn't hitting us as strongly.