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Q: How do white women married to a black person have black babies?
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Do black babies eat a lot?

No! White babies eat more than black babies!

Was Rosa parks husband black or white?

i think he was black because she was angry at the whites so she could not have married a white person.

What will a black and a ruby eyed white gerbil produce?

Well, it depens what color the parents are and well if the black gerbil has black parents and if the ruby eyed white gerbils parents are white there babies will probably produce white and black babies.

What do you call a white and a black person?

If you're white then you'd call a black person African or African-American. If you're black then you'd call a white person a white person.

Are black men allowed to date white women in Africa?

Yes. In Africa some black men are married to white women. And some white men are married to black women.

What is a black person?

a black person is the same as a white person

What colors are babies attracted to?

Red White and Black I believe

Did white women bear black slaves babies?

Yes they did

How gets married more white girls black guys black girls white guys?

White girls

Was penny marshall married to a black man?

No she married white men.

Is franco harris married?

no she is not white she is black

Are black babies born with pink skin?

All human babies are born with lighter skin than they will have as adults, and even adults have a wide range of skin tones even within one race. Thus, some African American babies will have light, others dark, skin. There is no general rule. (And, in fact, white babies can actually have darker skin that black babies and vice versa.) As well, skin color can darken considerably in the months after birth. Some babies born of "African American" babies CAN LOOK "caucausian" at birth and throughout their lives. Why? Because somewhere in either the mother's or father's ancestry a white person had sex with a black person. This is how "passing for white" was possible in previous decades. Historically, "passing for White" had economic and societal advantages. Now, it doesn't matter except where racism still exists.