

How do wildfires help?

Updated: 11/19/2022
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9y ago

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Wildfires help because some plants have develop adaptation to complete their reproductive cycle with the help of the flames. Many species of pine need the fire to ripen their comes for germination.

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What office was crated to help manage large numbers of people and rsources during wildfires in the 1970s?

Incident command

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Incident Command System

What do wildfires do?

Wildfires destroy homes, property, lives, animals, vegitation.

How do wildfires occur?

Wildfires occur when a combination of dry conditions, high temperatures, and ignition sources such as lightning or human activity result in a rapid spread of fire through vegetation. Once a fire starts, it can quickly grow out of control, fueled by dry organic material in its path. Intense heat and strong winds can further propagate the fire, leading to widespread damage.

Why are wildfires a bad thing?

Wildfires kill people and wildlife and destroy property.

Can wildfires start global warming?

No, but global warming can be a probable cause of wildfires.

What system was created to help manage large numbers of the people and resources during wildfires in the 1970s?

Incident Command System

What was Originally Created To Help Manage Large Numbers Of People And Resources During Wildfires In The 1970s?

Incident Command System

What was Created To Help Manage Large Numbers Of People And Resources During Wildfires Inthe 1970s?

Incident Command System

How can wildfires or floods benefit a plant's community?

Wildfires and floods benefit the plants by creating more oxygen to there roots, getting rid of decay matter that keeps them from spreading or germinating properly, adds nutrients to the soil to help them be strong and last longer.

When wildfires happened?

Wildfires normally happen during the spring and summer when it is hot and dry.