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All soils contain different amounts of food for the (earth) worm to feed on. Also, the soil acts as the worms home and a shelter from predators such as birds.

The soil can also effect how much water can reach the worm depending on the soil's thickness.

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14y ago

worms help soil get nutrients by leaving their casts (poo) behind, also they wrigle through the soil and create tunnels which help moisture get in and help plants to grow.

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Q: How does soil affect the life of worms?
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How worms are useful for the soil and for wild life?

Worms dig through soil and Airate (make passages for oxygen to pass) the soil. They also add biological matter to the soil.

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worms are adapted in soil because their body temperature can with stand the temperature in the soil(since their body takes in moisture to live).

Could worms affect the growth of plants?

yes, because worms help enrich soil and that would help the plant. plus it would airate the soil which gives oxygen the ability to go father down in the soil.

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Worms enrich and aeriate the soil. Worm 'castings' (their waste) is a great fertilizer. Their movement through the soil creates tunnels that allow oxygen to permeate the soil. These positively affect the productivity of the soil for growing vegetation.

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Black soil is the best soil for worms.

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It contains animals, such as worms, insects, and small mammals, and plants.

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Soil is created by worms. Worms eat organic material, and soil, and then they poop out soil.

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it improves the quality of soil,bringing life to it

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Earthworms make pores in the soil, allowing it to store water making the plants that grow in it healthier.

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