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Q: How do you Compare homology and analogy?
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How do you distinguish between a homology and a analogy?

Homology- Evolved from a common ancestor Analogous- 2 similar structures that evolved differently

What are the difference between homology and analogy?

A homology is a likeness in structure between separate organisms due to evolutionary events from the same part or part of a remote ancestor. Whereas analogy is a resemblance and/or comparison of some particulars between things otherwise unlike.

What three criteria are used to determine whether something is an analogy homology?

legislation, common sense and the wording

What are three criteria used to determine whether something is homology or analogy?

Its in your txt book you dumb freshman

What three criteria are used to determine whether something is a homology or analogy?

Its in your txt book you dumb freshman

What serves as the basis for both the principle of maximum parsimony and the principle that shared complexity indicates homology rather than analogy?

The law of probability.

What is the key to an accurate analogy?

To be accurate, an analogy must compare two things that are alike. For example, an analogy could compare the heart to a pump because they are both the same general thing.

What is the analogy for artificial?

Think about it and compare artificial with nature

What is it called when you compare one thing to another?


What is Primary homology?

proposed hypothesis of homology based on similarity.