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create a superstar and fight as them in exibitions or any of the others ie career where u dont have to be a roster named superstar

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Q: How do you Gain experience points on smackdown vs raw 2010?
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How can you raise overall on Smackdown vs Raw?

On smackdown vs raw 2010 and earlier versions your created wrestlers gain skill points after winning matches, which can be applied on the skills you prefer.

How do you gain experience in my brute?

You gain 2 experience points if you win a fight and 1 if you lose a fight.

How can you get on level 80?

Keep fighting to gain experience points.

How do you train Pokémon fast in Pokémon ruby?

Trade your Pokemon then use the traded Pokemon to gain boosted experience points plus have it hold lucky egg to gain maximum experience points.

How do you gain a technical score on Smackdown vs Raw 2010?

You reverse your opponents moves by pressing the RT button.

Where can you learn athletic in oblivion?

You can train the Athletics skill by running (0.03 experience points per second), and swimming (0.04 experience points per second). You do not gain any experience points when sneaking.

How do you gain experience points in Call of Duty?

Just kill people online.

How can you gain experience for a created female superstar on smackdown vs raw 2007?

You have to go on General Manager Mode and add your Diva on the roster that has an available spot for a superstar and every wrestle week (if they are on Raw, they have to wrestle on Heat or if they are on SmackDown they have to wrestle on Velocity) until they get on the experience that you want.

Do you get experience points for battling with friends in diamond or pearl?

Answer: No you don't gain experience points, when you are battling with your friends ds, the only time you are going to get experience points in the Pokemon series is battling wild Pokemon and battling against trainers, gym leaders etc.

How do you do Edge's spear in Smackdown vs Raw 2010?

It's his finisher, so all you have to do is gain enough momentum and use the finisher like normal.

How do you gain experience points quickly on Pokemon?

Fight strong opponents and have your Pokemon hold lucky egg.

What determines the growth of Pokemon in the daycare?

How many steps you walk while the Pokemon are in the day care determines how many experience points they gain. For every step you walk, each Pokemon will gain 1 experience point, I think.