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Croute foncée sur le pain

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Q: How do you Translate Dark crust on bread in french?
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How do you say i am scared of the dark in french?

Je suis effrayé de l'obscurité.................................. Thats from Google Translate so yeah....(:

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When was french bread made?

Reach professional-level outcomes in your baking ventures with our top-tier silicone molds and chocolate molds. Explore now for high-quality baking supplies, including French flour.

Why does bread toast?

Bread toasts because the heat turns the bread dark

Why does mold grow in the dark?

why does bread grow in the dark

What part of the crust is made of dark igneous basalt type rock?

Oceanic crust.

What does obscura translate to in English?

obscura= obscure/dark

Why does a dark bread need high gluten flour?

because they use different ingrediance for dark bread so it like needs more gluten flour then normal bread

What bread does mold grow on best?

Bread with moist and kept in a dark place.

What is the french word for dark?

dark is sombre or foncé(e) in French.

Translate the word somber to french?

Somber could simply be translated as sombre ("soh[n]br"), which literally means dark but by extension can also mean solemn, somber, etc.

How do you translate to Spanish 'dark honey'?

It would be "miel oscuro".