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That is considered a unsafe and illegal in most countries and states. You have to see the doctor.

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Q: How do you abort one month pregnancy at home?
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No, it only works to prevent pregnancy.

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How can you abort a one month pregnancy with medicine?

before you ask a question do spell chech Medicine hahaha Dumb A$$

How long would you wait to ruled out pregnancy in home pregnancy test?

One month and a half it should show by then.First responce is the best one.

How long does one bleed when they abort a one month baby?

Normal bleeding is 1-4 weeks.

Natural remedies to abort 1 month pregnancy?

There are no safe, trustworthy and legal ways to do this without a doctors supervision. If you don't have a safe abortion provider where you are you can see one online at womenonweb. They send you the medicine and also do follow up.

How many days in a rabbits pregnancy?

About one month.

Can you abort a 2 month pregnancy with vitamin c?

No you can not. The only research done on vitamin C used for abortion was on mice. Women who have tried this has used it for delayed periods and not after confirmed pregnancies. No one knows if they were supposed to get their periods anyway since it's not uncommon to be late.

What medicine to take to stop one month pregnancy?


How long it takes for pregnancy to show up?

One month

You were on birth control for one month and off for a month Now you have missed a period what cause this?


Is their any simple way by sitting in house you can avoid one month pregnancy?

No, you have to see a doctor to get the pills or to get a surgical abortion. The pill will have effect at home though.