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go into tribe at the top and then go down to the bottom if the invitation is still valid it should say the tribes name and accept or reject beside it

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Q: How do you accept a invite on tribal wars?
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Related questions

How do you get more people on tribal wars?

you invite them to your tribe to do this you must go to there profile and prees invite to tribe and they may accept or may not

In Tribal Wars how do you merge a tribe?

Make a recruiter invite the members from the tribe merging. At the end make the last person disband the tribe then, invite them too.

Is there a game like tribal wars?

Tribal Wars is by Innogames. Grepolis is the newest addition to the list of game Innogames has developed, and is a large improvement to Tribal Wars. Help me out by joining through this link: Ivony and Travian are very similar to it, you should try them out alongside Grepolis.

Tribal wars is game?

yes tribal wars is a game

Cheats for tribal wars?

There are no cheats in the game Tribal Wars.

How do you join a tribe on tribal wars?

No one will accept you if you are weak. But if you do want to join as tribe, then ask the that tribe leader and he invites you, then your in!

What is a good tribal wars bot?

Google Zaiinys Tribal Wars Bot, works great.

Is there a tribal wars 2?

no the makers of tribal wars have only done one of them so far

How do you get a tribe in tribal wars?

you just press tribe and then found one or if you want to join one you can ask other players already in a tribe to send you an invite hope this helps

Are there any cheat codes for tribal wars browser game?

No there are currently no cheats for tribal wars servers.

Where can one go to a tribal wars?

Kenya has a lot of tribal wars. Most countries in Africa have a lot of tribal wars. It is devastating. A lot of children die everyday. It is one of the reason why they are so poor.

What are cheats for Tribal Wars?

There are no cheats.