

Best Answer

you have to pay but it is great you have to be a membership thing !1

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Q: How do you activate your free bin tycoon membership?
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How do you activate your free bin tycoon membership from your magazine?

Go to labs lab and go to the mystery nest item machine and type in your code

How do you be a bin tycoon for free?

The only way is to buy a membership card if you don't buy your not a tycoon

How do you get a free bin pet on bin with out being a bin tycoon?

you cant sorry cheapest amount for tycoon membership 1 month £3.00 from Tillyana

Where do you put your binweevils membership gamecard at.?

go to membership on the top then press become a tycoon go down a little then press activate you bin weevil tycoon card then follow the instortions

Where do you expand on Bin Weevils?

You have to be a tycoon Sorry A tycoon is a membership sorry

How do you become a member of the bin in bin weevils?

getting a bin tycoon membership

Do you get to keep your things after you bin tycoon membership runes out on bin weevils?


Do you pay when you activate your bin weevil?

No, you don't have to unless you become a bin tycoon.

On binweevils what is bin tycoon?

a tycoon is a binweevil who payed a membership and you can be a tycoon up to 12 months

How do you become a tycoon free?

you cant unless you win a free membership card or download the hack for bin weevils what hack mate?

Where do you put your membership codes to become a bin weevils tycoon?

CLICK MEMBERSHIP on binweevils

How do you be a free bin tycoon on binweevil s?

how do you be a bin tycon free