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Q: How do you adapt a massage with lordosis?
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What muscle would you work for lordosis as a massage therapist?

You want to work on tight hip flexors and spinal erectors they are in the shortened position pulling the pelvis anterior.

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What is clinical correlation of normal cervical lordosis?

Normal cervical lordosis is lordosis very important by that position can be change and it's working disturbed.and it shift in chronic condition.

Which anatomical plane does lordosis occur?

Lordosis is a spinal curvature in the median plane with an posterior concavity.

What are the physical symptoms of Lordosis?

Lordosis is an abnormal curvature of the lumbar spine. It causes people to appear as if they were arching their lower back and sticking their buttocks out. Usually there are no physical symptoms of lordosis, although occasionally there may be some back pain if the lordosis is especially severe.

Is cervical lordosis an early stage of osteoporosis?

No, a cervical lordosis is the normal curve of your cervical spine (neck).

Why does my chest curve out?

You have lordosis.

What is loss of normal cervical lordosis consistent with muscle spasm?

What is loss of the normal cervical lordosis consistent with muscle spasm?

How can you adapt your massage techniques to meet clients needs?

You can adapt your massage techniques by assessing the client's preferences, health conditions, and comfort level. Communicate with the client to understand their needs and adjust pressure, speed, and technique accordingly. Be flexible and willing to modify your approach during the session based on feedback from the client.

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