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Check with your bankruptcy lawyer.

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Q: How do you add a creditor to a bankruptcy after you have filed?
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What is a stipulation in bankruptcy?

It's basically an agreement between the debtor and creditor on how the debtor is to pay the creditor that arises when debtor has filed bankruptcy.

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How is a claim filed as an unsecured creditor to the US bankruptcy court case 07-23686-RG?

"How is a claim filed as an unsecured creditor to the US bankruptcy court case 07-23686-RG?"

If you file for chapter 7 bankruptcy and have the first meeting with the treasurer can you still add a creditor to the bankruptcy?

You should have no problems filing an amendment to add the creditor.

If someone filed bankruptcy back in 1999 and a creditor was not listed were they included in the bankruptcy?

No. And if you knew they were a creditor, you could be subject to fraud charges for having filed papers with the court swearing you were declaring your entire financial status and known creditors.

Can a creditor contact your landlord after you filed bankruptcy?

Yeah. It's called you being a dumbarsh.

How do creditors find out you filed bankruptcy?

Creditor receive a notice from your BK from the BK court.

What happens if a creditor garnishes after filing bankruptcy?

I assume you mean after YOU filed bankruptcy (the creditor's filing bankruptcy doesn't affect your garnishment, except maybe to change who's "garnisheeing"--NOT "garnishing"--your wages). If so, contact your attorney so he/she can bring the creditor into court for violating the automatic stay.

Can a lawsuit be filed against a creditor that has placed a lien on home bought after bankruptcy?

The creditor would have problems enforcing a lien if the debt was included in the bankruptcy. If they were paid off, investigate further. If they were not included, then the lien may be valid.

If you had a lien placed on your house 2 months before you filed bankruptcy and you filed bankruptcy on that creditor is the lien still valid?

All liens survive bankruptcy. You can get rid of the lien by "avoiding" it. Look up "Avoiding Liens" in google or for more info.

What does motion for relief relief from stay fee amount 150.00 filed by creditor Iowa law?

When you filed your bankruptcy, the court issued an automatic stay which prevents any creditor from moving forward with collection efforts. For whatever reason, this particular creditor wants to proceed with collection and it must request the permission of the bankruptcy court by filing the motion for relief from automatic stay.

Can a creditor put a hold on your savings account after you claim bankruptcy?

When you file for bankruptcy, all your assets are revealed to the trustee and basically frozen. No, a creditor probably won't put a hold on your savings account after you file but they can until your bankruptcy is discharged. Usually a letter from your attorney saying you have filed bankruptcy will stop this action.