


Bankruptcy Law

The US Bankruptcy Code that determines which debts may be discharged and which obligations will remain after a person or organization is deemed insolvent

3,659 Questions

Computer application in different field?

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Computer applications are used in various fields such as healthcare for managing patient records, in finance for online banking and investment analysis, in education for online learning platforms, and in entertainment for gaming and multimedia content creation. These applications help automate tasks, improve decision-making, enhance communication, and increase productivity in different industries.

Can i Switch chapter 13 to chapter 7?

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Yes, you can convert a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but you'll need to meet the eligibility requirements for Chapter 7, such as passing the means test. You'll also need to file a motion with the bankruptcy court requesting the conversion and provide documentation to support your request. An attorney can help guide you through this process.

What initials go after your name if you studied law?

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Studied? = STUDENT.

Awarded degrees(s), (there are many different ones), completed academic achievements, allows different abbrieviations. Commonly: J.D = Juris Doctor &/or Esq. for Esquire. But there are many others.

Do you know if a certain form exists or an example of a Motion to Reopen a chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

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Yes, a Motion to Reopen a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case can be filed to address certain issues after the case has been closed. The motion typically outlines the reasons for reopening the case, such as addressing new debts or assets that were not disclosed during the initial proceedings. You can find examples of such motions online or through a bankruptcy attorney.

Can a chapter 13 bankruptcy be dismissed if the petitioner dies?

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Yes, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be dismissed if the petitioner dies. Typically, the trustee or another party involved in the bankruptcy case will file a motion to dismiss the case due to the petitioner's death.

When did the time limit for a chapter 7 bankruptcy change from 8 years to 10 years and is a bankruptcy petitioner protected by a grandfather clause if they filed before the change?

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The time limit for Chapter 7 bankruptcy changed from 8 years to 10 years in 2005 under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act. Bankruptcy petitioners who filed before the change are not protected by a grandfather clause and must adhere to the new 10-year waiting period if they wish to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy again.

What happens if your chapter 13 case is dismissed in California?

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If your Chapter 13 case is dismissed in California, you may lose the protection of the automatic stay, allowing creditors to resume collection actions. You may also still owe the debts included in the bankruptcy, and any missed payments may need to be caught up to avoid further consequences. It's important to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to understand your options and potential next steps.

How would you get a chapter 7 bankruptcy removed after 7 years?

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A Chapter 7 bankruptcy typically remains on your credit report for 10 years. You cannot have it removed before then, but you can start rebuilding your credit by making on-time payments, managing your credit responsibly, and showing a positive credit history over time.

What is a Motion for Abandonment?

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A Motion for Abandonment is a legal request made to a court to declare that a party has abandoned their claim or interest in a case. It is typically used when one party believes the other party has given up their rights or interest in the subject matter of the litigation. If granted, it can lead to the dismissal of the claim or issue.

How do you get non bankruptcy certificate?

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A 'non-bankruptcy certificate' (non-faillisementsverklaring) demonstrates that your business (or you) is not insolvent nor has applied for a moratorium of payments.

When do you need a non-bankruptcy certificate?You need a non-bankruptcy certificate if you want to submit an opentender. Without this certificate, the government agency inviting the tenders may exclude you from participating. You must be able to present the certificate immediately when submitting the tender.

Sometimes, a non-bankruptcy certificate is required for the fulfilment of contracts other than government contracts.

Where must you apply for the non-bankruptcy certificate?You can apply for the non-bankruptcy certificate at the insolvency division of the court in the region where your company is registered. You will obtain the certificate if you have not been insolvent/bankrupt or have not been granted a moratorium on payments in the 5 years preceding the application. You must enclose an excerpt from the Commercial Register with your application. You must also pay a court registry fee.

A non-bankruptcy certificate is only valid for a limited time. Whether and for how long the certificate remains valid is determined by the government agency inviting the tenders.

What is the Self-Declaration for tenders?Should you submit a tender for a contract of the Dutch national government, there is no need to enclose a non-bankruptcy certificate. In that case, you use the Self-Declaration for tenders (Eigen Verklaring aanbestedingen). You must only be able to present the non-bankruptcy certificate once the Dutch national government awards you the contract.

In the Awakening by Kate Chopin chapter 6 how is the seas used symbolically?

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In Chapter 6 of "The Awakening," the sea is used as a symbol of freedom and escape for Edna Pontellier. The sea represents a source of liberation and independence from societal constraints, drawing Edna towards a sense of self-discovery and self-fulfillment. As Edna's relationship with the ocean deepens, it reflects her internal desires for personal autonomy and a departure from conventional expectations.

Will your bankruptcy show up in local newspaper?

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Bankruptcy filings are public records, which means that they can be accessed by the public. In some cases, bankruptcy notices are published in local newspapers, but this varies by location. It's recommended to check with the bankruptcy court or a legal professional to understand what information may be publicly available in your specific situation.

How much rain does a tropical rainforest get a year?

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Tropical rainforests typically receive between 1,500 to 4,000 millimeters (59 to 157 inches) of rain per year. The exact amount can vary depending on the specific location and climate patterns. Nonetheless, these regions experience high levels of precipitation, which is crucial for the growth and biodiversity of the rainforest ecosystem.

Do chapter 7 bankruptcy relieves you of a mortgage in a divorce but the spouse stills lives in the home?

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Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy will discharge your personal obligation to pay the mortgage, but it does not remove the lien on the property. Therefore, the mortgage lender can still foreclose on the home if the mortgage payments are not made. In a divorce, the issue of who is responsible for the mortgage payments would typically be addressed in the divorce settlement or court order.

Bankruptcy and Home Ownership Laws?

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Bankruptcy laws vary by country, but generally, bankruptcy does not automatically result in the loss of home ownership. In many cases, individuals filing for bankruptcy can keep their primary residence through exemptions or by reaffirming the mortgage debt. However, this may depend on various factors, such as the equity in the property and the specific bankruptcy laws in place.

Can I get a dealer's license after filing bankruptcy?

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Yes, it is possible to get a dealer's license after filing for bankruptcy. However, it may be more difficult to obtain the license, as bankruptcy can impact your creditworthiness and credibility in the eyes of the licensing authorities. It will depend on the specific requirements and regulations in your jurisdiction.

Can a judgment that was discharged be reinstated 2 and a half years after the chapter 7 bk judgment was included in the bankruptcy?

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It depends on the specific circumstances and laws governing bankruptcy in your jurisdiction. Generally, once a judgment is discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it cannot be reinstated. However, if there were any exceptions to discharge or if the judgment was based on fraud, it could potentially be reinstated. It is best to consult with a bankruptcy attorney for guidance specific to your situation.

What is concelement of property interest on a vehicle?

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Concealment of property interest on a vehicle refers to the act of hiding or obfuscating the true ownership or financial interest in a vehicle. This can be done through various means such as altering or falsifying documents, using shell companies, or transferring ownership to another person or entity. It is usually done to evade taxes, avoid legal obligations, or engage in fraudulent activities.

If you file bankruptcy in one state and own a home in another state may you keep it?

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The answer depends on the type of bankruptcy you file and the value of your home. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be required to sell the home unless it falls within certain exemption limits. In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can typically keep your home and create a repayment plan to catch up on missed mortgage payments. It's best to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to understand your specific situation.

When was BK Kenty created?

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BK Kenty, the vocaloid character, was created in 2010 by the Japanese music company Bplats, Inc.

Can military file bankrupcy?

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Yes, military personnel can file for bankruptcy, just like any other individual. However, certain benefits and allowances provided to military members, like housing allowances, may be taken into account during the bankruptcy proceedings. It is advisable for military personnel considering bankruptcy to consult with a legal assistance office or a bankruptcy attorney who specializes in military issues.

I dismissed my chapter 13 and paid off my debt myself. 6 months later the creditors are still showing the accounts under the chapter 13. What can i do to get it corrected?

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To get the accounts corrected, you should start by contacting the three main credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) and notifying them of the situation. Provide them with the necessary proof of your debt repayment and bankruptcy dismissal. Additionally, you can reach out to each individual creditor, providing them with the same information and requesting that they update their records accordingly. Following up with both the credit bureaus and creditors will help ensure that the accounts are accurately updated and reflected on your credit report.

Are there more conkers in 2005 than there have been in other years?

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It is difficult to determine the exact number of conkers in a given year as it depends on various factors such as weather conditions, tree health, and natural cycles. Additionally, there is no comprehensive data available to compare the number of conkers in 2005 to other years. Therefore, it is not possible to conclude whether there were more conkers in 2005 than in other years.

What best describes the debtor's involvement with the bankruptcy judge?

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The debtor's involvement with the bankruptcy judge typically involves attending court hearings and presenting their case or responding to questions from the judge or opposing counsel. The debtor may also need to provide documentation or evidence as requested by the judge to support their bankruptcy claims. Overall, the debtor is expected to cooperate and comply with the instructions and decisions of the bankruptcy judge throughout the bankruptcy process.

Can you donate a paid for car while in bankruptcy?

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While in bankruptcy, the ability to donate a paid-for car can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the bankruptcy chapter you are filing under. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a paid-for car might need to be sold to repay creditors. In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you might be able to keep the car and make charitable contributions with other assets. It's important to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to understand the rules and options that apply to your specific situation.