


Improving Your Credit Rating

Strategies for building, repairing, or improving one's credit score which enables the consumer to negotiate better interest rates on loans.

3,576 Questions

Is 2 meters equal to 200 centimeters?

Yes, 2 meters is equal to 200 centimeters. This is because there are 100 centimeters in 1 meter. Therefore, to convert meters to centimeters, you would multiply the number of meters by 100. In this case, 2 meters x 100 = 200 centimeters.

How many secends are in a hour?

Oh, dude, there are 3,600 seconds in an hour. So, like, if you ever need to know how many seconds you've wasted watching cat videos instead of being productive, just do the math. But hey, who's counting, right? Time is just a social construct, man.

What is epos?

Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) - There are two types of EPO plans. The current industry standard requires that a patient select a Primary Care Physician (PCP) (some patients may only have to choose a medical group) and when needed obtain authorization from that PCP to receive specialty services. A patient must stay within the contract network and only use preferred providers. There typically is a lifetime policy maximum with this type of plan. In the event a patient goes out of network (OON) they may be responsible for the entire balance that is not paid by the payer associated with the services provided. The other type of EPO is one where the benefits are those of a PPO but the provider panel from which members obtain care is smaller than a PPO panel.

How old is two score and five?

Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the fancy lingo! "Two score and five" is just a fancy way of saying 45. So, like, if someone asks you that, you can just be like, "I'm 45," and they'll be like, "Oh, cool, thanks for not making me do math."

How many years are there in 5 scores?

A Score equals Twenty Years, so 5 x 20 = 100.

The answer to yo

Five score (not scores) years equals 100. One score is 20.

An excellent, famous example of the use of this antiquated usage can be found at the beginining of former U.S. presididetn Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

Considering the fact that the new U.S. President is Barack Obama, this opening, prophetic sentence--actually the whole Address--is especially poignant.

ur question, is that Five Score equals One Hundred Years.
A score is 20 5x20 = 100 years.

How can you get a hold of a human at Experian Credit to fix a problem?

To get a hold of a human at Experian Credit to fix a problem, you can contact their customer service line at 1-888-397-3742. Follow the automated prompts to reach a customer service representative. You may need to provide your personal information and details about the issue you are facing to expedite the resolution process. Be prepared to potentially wait on hold for a representative during peak call times.

What credit card starts with 5466?

Well, honey, a credit card number starting with 5466 belongs to a Mastercard. But hey, remember, just because you know the first four digits doesn't mean you can go on a shopping spree – unless you've got the actual card and permission to use it!

Which credit score is used by lenders most frequently?

Well, isn't that a happy little question! Lenders often use the FICO score, created by the Fair Isaac Corporation, to help them make decisions about loans and credit. It's like a friendly little guide that helps them understand your creditworthiness. Just remember, no matter what your score is, there are always ways to improve it and create your own beautiful financial landscape.

What bank credit card starts with 4744?

Ah, what a delightful question. It sounds like you're curious about a specific bank credit card that starts with 4744. While I don't have the exact answer, I encourage you to reach out to the bank directly or check their website for more information. Keep exploring, my friend, and you'll find the answer you seek.

How much time can a cheque bounce?

The time frame for a cheque bounce in India can vary depending on the specific reason for the return. Generally, if a cheque bounces, the bank will inform the payee within 24 hours of the deposit attempt. After receiving the return memo, the payee has up to 30 days to issue a legal notice to the drawer demanding payment. The drawer then has 15 days to respond and clear the payment. If unresolved, the payee can file a complaint under the Negotiable Instruments Act, typically within a month after the response period ends.

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What does bounce a check mean?

A "cheque bounce" occurs when a person writes out a cheque, but there are not enough funds in his bank account to clear that cheque.

Here's how it works: When you write a cheque, you are instructing your bank to move a certain amount of money from your bank account to someone else. The bank cannot move that kind of money if you do not have sufficient balance in your account. The bank returns the cheque to the person with the word "bounced" beside it.

Cheque bouncing can incur any number of penalties, not to mention damaging your credit and even leading to litigation if bounced too often. Ensure you've got sufficient in your account so as not to bounce!

How many years in a score?

A score is a 'group of 20' in numbers. So, that would be 20 years. Lincoln's 'four score and seven' was to indicate 87 years.

If tin whistles are made of tin what do they make foghorns with?

Foghorns are typically made of brass or steel, not tin. These materials are chosen for their durability and ability to produce loud, low-frequency sounds that carry over long distances. The size and shape of the foghorn also play a significant role in determining the quality and range of the sound it produces.

Are you At least 18 years old?

Yes, I am at least 18 years old. This is based on the assumption that I am a fully developed and mature individual, meeting the legal age requirement for adulthood in most countries. This age requirement is typically set as a standard for various legal rights and responsibilities, such as voting, entering into contracts, and serving in the military.

What is better a score of 80 in an exam where 70 is the average and 10 its SD standard deviation or a score of 68 in an exam with an average of 62 and SD 3?

"Better" compared to what ? ! ?

If you just want to stand out among the group, look better than the people

around you, and be admired as the least stupid one in the bunch, then maybe

the 68 would be great. You scored two standard deviations above the mean,

and you're officially the One-eyed Man in the Kingdom of the Blind, the Big Fish

in that particular Little Pond, and like Noah himself, perfect in that generation.

You put the 68 in your pocket, and you go out looking for anybody you can find

who scored lower than you did.

But if you want to learn stuff, know stuff, and be able to use the stuff you learn,

then you only want to compare your score to the exam itself, not to anybody else's

performance. A score of 80 is always better than a score of 68, regardless of how

anybody else is doing. You put the 80 in your pocket, you reward yourself with

a chocolate bar for a job well done, and you make up your mind to see what

you can do about those other 20, for the next exam.

What credit card starts with 5108?

A credit card number starting with 5108 is typically associated with a Mastercard. The first digit of a credit card number is known as the Major Industry Identifier (MII), which identifies the type of industry that issued the card. In this case, 5 is the MII for the banking and financial industry, which includes Mastercard. It's important to note that the first six digits of a credit card number, known as the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), can vary depending on the issuing institution.

Can you get satellite TV with low credit score?

Yes, it may be possible to get satellite TV with a low credit score. Some providers offer prepaid or no-contract options that do not require a credit check. Alternatively, you may be asked to provide a security deposit or pay a higher upfront fee to compensate for the credit risk.

The British naturalist who is credited with being among the first to devise a classification of cloud types is?

Luke Howard, a British naturalist who lived in the 19th century, is credited with being among the first to devise a classification system for cloud types. He proposed the classification of clouds into four main types based on their appearance: cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and nimbus, which laid the foundation for modern cloud classification systems.

How fast does hot air raise in the atmosphere?

Hot air rises in the atmosphere at a rate of about 300-500 feet per minute. This process, known as convection, occurs when warm air expands and becomes less dense than the surrounding cooler air, causing it to float upwards.

What is the least count of an analytical balance?

The least count of an analytical balance is typically 0.1 mg. This means that the balance can measure differences in mass as small as 0.1 mg.

Which part of a cell can be used as the site for electroplating?

The metal cathode of a cell can be used as the site for electroplating. It is where the metal ions in the electrolyte solution are reduced and deposited onto the surface of the cathode material.

What is a drastic shortage of anything?

A drastic shortage refers to a situation where there is a severe lack or insufficiency of a particular resource, often causing difficulties in meeting demand or fulfilling basic needs. This can lead to scarcity, desperation, and economic imbalances.