

Real Estate Leasing

In real estate leasing, the lessor (landlord) and the lessee (tenant) form a special kind of agreement. This agreement defines the period of time covered by the lease, and the rent to be paid by the lessee.

183 Questions

Does lamp in off position use electricity?

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No, a lamp in the off position does not use electricity as long as it is unplugged or the switch is turned off.

What are the categories of risks in leasing?

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The categories of risks in leasing typically include credit risk (default by lessee), residual value risk (value of asset at end of lease term), operational risk (maintenance and usage), legal and regulatory risk, and market risk (fluctuations in asset value). Each of these risks can impact the financial health and success of the lessor.

Do balloons have electricity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Balloons themselves do not generate electricity. However, they can become charged with static electricity when rubbed against certain materials or in certain environmental conditions. This static charge can cause the balloon to stick to surfaces or attract small objects.

Can you withhold rent due to the presence of carbon monoxide?

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It is generally not recommended to withhold rent due to the presence of carbon monoxide. Instead, contact your landlord immediately to address the issue and ensure the safety of the rental property. If the landlord fails to take action, you may need to explore legal options or contact local housing authorities for assistance.

What is the average rent in Detroit Michigan?

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The average rent in Detroit, Michigan varies depending on the neighborhood and type of housing, but it is around $1,100 per month for a one-bedroom apartment. Keep in mind that prices can fluctuate based on location and amenities. It's best to check with local listings for the most up-to-date information.

How long in Mn does a unlawful detainer stay on your record?

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In Minnesota, an unlawful detainer action will remain on your record indefinitely unless it is expunged or sealed by a court order. This could potentially impact your ability to rent in the future or pass background checks for certain opportunities. It is advisable to seek legal counsel to explore options for mitigating the impact of an unlawful detainer on your record.

What is the average rental fee per square foot for commercial property in Allen county Ohio?

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The average rental fee per square foot for commercial property in Allen County, Ohio varies depending on the specific location, type of property, and market conditions. It's recommended to contact local real estate agents or check online listing platforms for current pricing information.

What is the Average rental fee per square feet for commercial property in Fairfax county VA?

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The average rental fee per square foot for commercial property in Fairfax County, VA, ranges from $20 to $40. However, the actual cost may vary depending on the specific location within the county, type of property, and current market conditions. It is recommended to consult with a local real estate agent or property management company for accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

What does one mean by retail density?

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Retail density refers to the concentration of retail establishments within a specific area, usually measured by the number of retail stores per square unit of space. This metric is important for assessing the level of competition and consumer activity in a retail market. A higher retail density often indicates a more competitive environment with potentially higher consumer traffic.

What companies are in the famous 30 Rockefeller Plaza Building?

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30 Rock is a New York City landmark. There are over 160 companies that are in this building including the famous Saturday Night Live studios, NBC Universal, Lazard Freres, and Chadbourne & Parke. You can see a the complete list of businesses at 30 Rockefeller Plaza at the related links below:

How do you know if you been blacklisted from a job?

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The burden of proof is on the complainant (you) to prove discrimination. YOu must be able to show how you were treated differently based on your race, age, color, national origin, disability, sex,or religion. Ask yourself who can you compare yourself to who is similarly situated? If you are alleging disability or religious discrimination, you might also ask yourself if the employer is failing to accommodate your disability or religion or are they treating you in a disparate manner?

Does condominium association insurance cover bedbug infestation?

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The association's master policy is the insurance you reference. Your master policy broker will be able to answer your question for you.

Otherwise, your tenant's policy or owner's HO-6 policy may have coverage. Again, contact your broker who can give you the answer you need.

Are dogs allowed in private flats?

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It depends on your landlord and the conditions of your lease.

Who are Woolworth target market?

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Woolworth's Department store is for all ages. They sell home entertainment products such as movies, music, and video games.

Questions to ask landlord reference?

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Asked by Wiki User

I thought this was a search engine... but more specifically, I need to interview a landlord as a reference, and I want to know if there are ways of ferreting out a fake reference.


Not quite sure what it is you're asking. I was a landlord for about fifteen years and I know that the process of filtering out potential bad tenants is crucial. Good tenants are gold and you should strive to keep them happy.

Regarding references; I always ask for three. I ignore the most recent reference from the tenant's previous landlord because the chances are good that he will lie to me about the quality of the tenant because he wants to get rid of them; so he's not likely to want to place any impediment in their finding a new landlord to bedevil.

Call their other two previous landlords and you're more likely to get the real story on what kind of tenant they will be.

If you're not already doing it, always have a written lease properly made out and signed by all parties. Make sure the tenant gets a copy, also duly signed.

Emphasize to the prospective tenant that you expect the rent to be paid in full and on time every month. If it isn't, I usually allow a short grace period of two weeks for the tenant to make up the shortfall. (Although I don't tell them that until a default occurs). Also, document the dates of any rental default because you'll need this if and when you decide to begin eviction proceedings. Three defaults and I start the eviction process. Don't procrastinate because all through this process you'll be hemorrhaging money.

Once you have vacant possession, change the locks on the same day. Preferably within ten minutes after they're out the door.

I heard of one landlord who had a heck of a time getting rid of a non paying tenant (couldn't turf them out during the winter in his locale) and when he finally did get them out, they went to their new apartment and the landlord wouldn't let them take possession, so they came back to their old apartment and moved right back in.

Talk about frustration!

I hope this has been of some help to you.

Where does Keith Alexander live?

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Keith Alexander Cozens lives on the St George's Hill Estate, Weybridge, Surrey

What are the general terms of a ground lease?

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Shrek once said "this is my swamp". it was shreks swamp get off my swamp

How many real estate brokers are there in Mumbai?

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Asked by PratulSinghal

There are around 5000 real estate brokers in Mumbai.

To know about REGold, a specific real estate broker in Mumbai, see the related link.

What is the purpose of lease obtained?

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The purpose of the Lease Obtained is to give you a "Temporary" IP Address that will change when the lease Expired date comes close.

EX: (Lease Obtained: Sunday October 18, 2012 at 12:30:15 PM / Lease Expires: Friday November 12, 2012 at 10:45:55 AM)

"The client starts to renew a lease when half of the lease time has passed. For example, for a 24 hour lease, the client will attempt to renew the lease after 12 hours. The client requests the renewal by sending a DHCPREQUEST message to the server. The renewal request contains the current IP address and configuration information of the client."

When are you planning to open a Primark store in Greece?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no information as of May 2014 as to when a Primark store will be opened in Greece. The company does run an online store where shoppers in Greece can purchase items.

What is land record system?

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Asked by Wiki User

Land Records system is the method for accessing public records has been severely changed by using a powerful web-based public records recovery and viewing system. Records and documents are scanned and linked to corresponding geographic locations within the County Landbase system. Then records can be effortlessly located and retrieved using a standard Web browser from any personal computer connected to the Internet.

How do you get a real estate agent license in mumbai?

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In India real estate license is commonly known as the property dealing license. This license is necessary in order to do property dealing in India. The terms and conditions and requirements for the license are different all across the India but basics are the same. In this article we will take in consideration the rules in Gurgaon district of Haryana regarding the property dealer's license.

First of all if a person indulged in real estate consultancy without a proper license will be fined Rs. 50, 000 and in case of a company or society the fine will be Rs. 1 lakhs.

The fee for the property dealer license is Rs. 25, 000 for the individual and for company or society the fees is Rs. 50, 000. Along with the application form the residence proof, 4 photos, thumb impression, undertaking of solvency certificate, character certificate, 2 guarantors about genuineness of the applicant, office address along with the treasury challan of the payment of prescribed fees. The validity of the license is for 5 years after which it can be renewed. The renewal fees are Rs. 5, 000 for the individual and for company or society the fees is Rs. 10, 000.

Can you take your name off the lease if someone plans on moving out?

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Only the landlord can take a name off a lease. Until then the signing parties are bound by the contract.