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A las diez de la mañana

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Q: How do you answer A qué hora es el almuerzo in Spanish?
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How do you answer que hora es almuerzo?

¿Qué hora es el amuerzo? is Spanish for "What time is lunch?" You would answer it by saying "El almuerzo es a la(s)....." (Lunch is at...) Ex. El almuerzo es a la una. (Lunch is at one o'clock.) El almerzoo es a las tres menos cuarto. (Lunch is at a quarter of three.)

A que hora es el almuerzo?

Yo creo que la hora del almuerzo es mas o menos a las 10 de la mañana.

How do you say eat lunch in Spanish?

"Luncheon" in Spanish is "almuerzo". It is pronounced "ahl-MWARE-so". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.

How do you say let's go eat in Spanish?

¿A qué hora come el almuerzo? or...¿A qué hora almuerza? Almorzar is the verb for "to have lunch".

What is almuezo?

Is lunch time in Spanish: es la hora del almuerzo /is lunch time.

How to say 'the time is' in Spanish?

Es la una. Son las..... Es la hora... El tiempo es...

How do you say Is it time for work in spanish?

Es la hora para el trabajo?

Cual es tu dia favorito de la semana?

mi dia favorito es el sabado, cuando no me toca trabajar, porque me levanto a la hora del almuerzo y

How do you say what is the day and time in Spanish?

¿Cuál es el día y la hora?

How do you say tell me the time in spanish?

dime el tiempo. Or you could say ¿Qué hora es? for what time is it?

How do you answer 'at what time is' in Spanish?

It means "a qué hora es" in Spanish. You would answer with whatever time is appropriate. Example: "¿A qué hora es el clase de español?" The answer would be something like "a las dos y media" (at two thirty.)

How do you say at what time in Spanish?

el granda oui de seniougo al wedroi