

How do you appeal a deadly weapons charge weapon a car?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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You don't appeal a charge - you appeal a conviction.

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Q: How do you appeal a deadly weapons charge weapon a car?
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INVestigation of Assault with a Deadly Weapon

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It is an M4 misdemeanor (The lowest possible misdemeanor) aka a 4th Degree Misdemeanor in Ohio, just as long as guns or firearms are not involved. Then the charge becomes much more serious. But usually they will charge you with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon if you are using firearms, knives, or other deadly weapons.

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There is no definitive answer, as this will be a matter of opinion. All martial arts weapons are deadly in the hands of a skilled practitioner.

What are different types of weapons?

virtually any physical object that can be used to inflict injury can be classified as a weapon. I've seen an assault with a weapon charge where the "weapon" was a cell phone.

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(in the US) No deadly or disabling weapon of ANY typewhatsoever is allowable in courtrooms. To be found there armed with one is a SERIOUS offense!