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Mattie Grant

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13y ago

Aristotle was the first to describe holism. "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts". In short, to be completely holistic you must see a person as more than just organ systems, mental health, sexuality, etc. You must see how all aspects of their life impact on each other and the factors that influence them.

Many nurses use assessment tools and scores for quantitative and qualitative assessment of specific areas of peoples' lives, but the best holistic method of doing this is to use a theoretical conceptual framework.

Roper Logan and Tierney devised one following on from previous publications from another author describing the 12 activities of daily living. These covered all areas of a person's life from breathing to communication to dying. Roper et al decided these weren't daily activities because you didn't, for example, die daily or breathe once a day. So these became the 12 activities of living. Using this framework you can complete a full and holistic assessment of a person, see the factors which affect each problem (such as financial, political, socio-economic, etc.) and note how independent people are in these areas.

Holistic assessment takes into account all aspects of people's lives, the factors that affect them, and what level of independence they have in these areas.

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