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If your having trouble deciding who or how to ask for help with depression, Try calling a crisis line. You can call one that is local or national. remain anonymous if you want. And the person talking to you will be trained on how to answer these questions and help. If you ask somebody who is not trained. And your depression is severe, it may not help or even make the situation worse.

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Q: How do you ask for help with depression?
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Where can I find help for depression in the Phoenix area?

All major cities have psychiatrists and psychologists that can help treat depression. You may want to ask your general physician for a referral. Deer Valley Counseling is one center that provides many different types of services for depression.

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Before anything else, please help her get a complete medical check-up, and she should ask her PCP if she/he things help with the depression is in order. If it is in order, encourage and help her to get it and follow through. There is no use in considering children if she suffers the worst that depression has to offer. Keep her safe and help her lift the depression.

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Depression is an illness that can be treated by a doctor, with the help of medication and/or counselling. This is a good "solution", if the sufferer follows the help and advice of the medic. Unfortunately depression is often ignored, but if someone broke their arm they wouldn't ignore it, they would go to the doctor and get treatment. When you go to the internet and search for "famous people who suffer from depression", it is quite an eye opener, and makes you feel you are certainly not alone. There are many ways that can help with depression.There is no one 'cure all' answer.There are different types of depression & many causes.Medication can help along with talking therapies, such as counselling.Exercise is very good at combating depression as is sunlight.This is because they both help to release serotonin in the brain,a chemical that is often depleated in those suffering depression.

What are the best ways to deal with a person who suffers from depression?

Be patient, and loving. Show that you care about them, and always listen to them. Help them when they ask for it.

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No website can help you with depression only your friends and family can.

Where can I find information and advice on foods for depression?

There are some foods that help with depression. Actually chocolate is a food that will help with depression.���Foods-That-Help-Fight-Depression&���id=290867

What are some questions to ask about depression?

Depression is a problem that brain has when it is not feeling well. You can ask various questions about the person's happy life.

How do you help depression?

The only way to really help depression is by seeking help, you can't do it alone it will only get worse.

Can nutrition and depression be treated with vitamins?

Vitamins can help. If you are healthy and take care of yourself, then vitamins can help with the way you feel and your overall health. Ask your doctor what vitamins might be right for you.

How can you help someone having a depression and he doesn't recognized it?

You can ask him how he feels and if he matches the symptoms of depression, talk to him about it. Let him know he can cry on your shoulder; Be a friend. You can also tell the guidance counselor if you're very worried about him & concerned.

Why does percocet help so much with my depression?

I have been taking different antidepressants for 9 years. I was given Pecocet for chronic back pain and all my depession and anxiety has disappeared! Yes-it works for me. Harriet MCombs

Can depression trick you into thinking you don't love you partner?

in my opinion yes it can trick you into thinking that you don't love you other but you will love talk to them and ask them for some help