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De quel pays êtes vous?

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Q: How do you ask someone what country are you from in french?
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When we ask about someone's health how do we ask in french?

When you want to ask about someone's health in French you would say Comment allez-vous.

What is you speak French in French?

It depends on who you're speaking with: "parles-tu français?" (is said to a friend, someone "familiar" or someone younger) "vous-parlez français?" (someone older, of higher position - like an elder, boss or teacher) "tu parles français" and "vous parlez français" are also accepted. To ask if French is generally somewhere (like in a store or a country) you can ask "On parle français ici?"

How do you ask someone where they stay in french?

ou loge tu

How do you ask someone how tall you are in french?

Combien mesures-tu?

What is the question to ask someone their name in french?

"Comment t'appelles-tu ?" or "comment vous appelez-vous ?" are the questions to ask someone their name.

How would you ask someone how the are in french?

Comment ca va? x

How do you ask someone how to spell their name in french?

To ask someone how to spell their name in French, you can say "Comment tu épelles ton nom ?" which translates to "How do you spell your name?"

What day Italy become a country?

ask someone who cares

How do you ask someone how they are in French?

"je vais me pondre dans le congelatéur. "

How do you ask someone how their day was in french?

comment s'est passée ta journée

How do you brush your hair with a french plate in it?

Why are you asking us? Get off your lazy butt and ask someone that sell french plates!

How do you ask someone where they went in french?

To ask "Where did you go?" in French, you can say "Où es-tu allé?" for a male or "Où es-tu allée?" for a female. This phrase is commonly used to inquire about someone's destination or whereabouts.