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Well, it is a embarassing thing. I would try and tell yourself that you really wanna know, girls want to feel fresh when they start their periods! Its the same for people who have just started. So, asking is nerve-racking I know, but if you never ask, how will you stay fresh?

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To ask your mom for a tampon you simply say:
"Mom, can you give me a tampon please"

There's absolutely no reason what-so-ever for this to be embarrassing or make you nervous, all you're doing is asking for a tampon, it's little different to asking for a tissue or toothpaste. Menstruation is not shameful so no reason to feel like talking about it is embarrassing, the quicker you get over this issue the easier your life will be: it's not embarrassing to be a girl or to menstruate.

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If you are feeling pain upper your naval what you do?

get a tampon.

How do you go in the pool on your period without using a tampon?

You cannot do this, it would be embarrassing for you, so wear a tampon, or stay out of the pool.

What are the xhances of getting pregnant with a tampon in?

Same as without. You can't have sex with a tampon in. It can harm you and you might not get it out.

Will using a tampon after sex to avoid the wet feeling stop pregnancy?

No. The sperm which will get you pregnant is too far inside of you to be effected by a tampon. It will, however, stop the wet feeling. It is not a good idea to use a tampon for anything except a period as it will dry you out too much and may cause toxic shock syndrome. If you are wet use a pantie pad.

Can you pee with a tampon in or do you have to take it out to pee?

.the tampon fits into the vagina, and the urine comes out of the bladder into the urinary tract, so do not worry, you can urinate without having to remove the tampon.

What is the definition of the Victorian period?

a period without a tampon

Can you still get your period if you were a tampon before you have it?

Yes, a period is a result of hormones and wearing or not wearing a tampon has nothing to do with it. Never ever wear a tampon without having a period. Read the warnings on the tampon box because it tells you not to do that.

When you are on your period does it feel like you have peed on yourself?

Not really. There are time if not using a tampon that if you cough or laugh or stand from sitting it can feel like its streaming out but you will be having a heavy period for this to happen, so in a way, like a peeing feeling but not from the area where pee comes from. If you go through this and dont want to use a pad a tampon will help in not feeling this gushing feeling.

How do you keep tampon string from pee?

You move the tampon string out of the way of your urethra, or you can use tampons without strings to avoid the problem all together.

Can you stretch on your period?

Yes i do it all the time but dont do it without a tampon that was a disaster

What happens if you leave a tampon in and you don't know how long it has been there until it falls out?

If you are feeling well, no special care is needed if you forgot a tampon and it's fallen out. You don't need to have antibiotics or any other special care if you're feeling well. If you have any complaints, see your health care provider or your local family planning agency.

When you insert a tampon do you keep the bigger tube on?

No, when inserting the tampon all you're inserting is the tampon itself and not the applicator.Applicators are just a means of inserting the tampon without you making contact with your genitals, they're actually not needed at all. The applicator is not part of the tampon so you remove it once you've used it to insert the tampon. If using tampons you should understand how they work and how to insert.