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Q: How do you attach a photo as a file and not have the picture in the message?
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How do you put gif file in my gmail photo?

You can put GIF file in Gmail picture. You can attach the picture from you local drives. You can also upload the image automatically if it is in your Google Drive.

What does the paper clip in okcupid messages mean?

Quite often on the internet the paper clip icon means that you can click on that icon in order to optionally attach a file to your message. Your attachment options typically are to attach some kind of digital file, whether it is a digitial photo, a notepad file, or an office file. Hope this helps you out.

What is an attachment button used for in an email?

To attach a file, such as a photo, to an email.

How do you email pictures saved on your desktop?

Create new mail Look for attachment link, button or icon. Click on it. Navigate to your photo. Double click on the photo. Fill in the recipient address on to field. click on send link, button or icon.

When you open an photo the following message ' invalid format or photo can't be view?

then Photoshop do not support that kind of file, format. Or file is damaged. How to save these pictures ?

How could you send music via email?

When you are writing the message hit the attach, or the attach file button in your email editor then attach the music and send the email.

How do you send a picture if the sending button is not there?

You can send a picture by e-mail, which involves having that picture already saved as a file and attaching the picture by pressing the "attach file" button.

How do you make a picture file smaller?

to make a picture file smaller, simply download a program in which you can resize and save photo. or you could go

How do you attach a file in hotmail on mobile phone?

You cannot attach a file directly from the hotmail app. What works on android phones, is to go to the gallery and select a picture you want to send. Then if you have a hotmail app installed, a little hotmail logo will appear above the picture, you click on that to attach it to the email.

What does attachments mean in gmail?

An attachment is a file that is sent along with an email message. Imagine a postal envelope containing a letter and a small picture of the sender. The envelope is the email, the letter is the body of the email and the picture could be an attachment.

How do you attach files using email?

You press "Attach" on a message. Navigate to the file you want to attach. Click the file name; it should then be "attached". If attached, you will see the file name at the top of the Write Mail window you have open.

How do you attach pictures from flash drive to email?

To attach a picture (or any other file) from your flash drive to an email open up the email that you want to attach it to then open the file attachment window. Go to the my computer folder and open up the flash drive. Find the file that you want to attach and then attach it like you normally would. You may prefer to copy the file from the flash drive to the desktop and then attach it to the email from there.