

How do you avoid chlorine rash?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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16y ago

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Yes, it's possible. Some people are allergic to chlorine in pools. It may be the type of sun tan lotion you are using and when you are in the pool the sun tan lotion could conflict with the chlorine. You'll just have to try swimming without sun tan lotion to test whether this is causing the rash or not. In order to get rid of this rash (if it bothers you) soak in a tub with 1 1/2 cups of Epsom Salts (bought at any drug store and if you don't see it ask your pharmacist for it.) Take the 1 1/2 cups of Epsom Salts Crystal and add boiling water to dissolve the crystals then pour into a tub full of TEPID WATER! Sit in it for 20 minutes or half an hour. It will generally get rid of itcheness, sun burn and a miriad of other problems.

Below is a link that will explain some rashes you can get from chlorine.

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16y ago

Yes. There are a number of scientific studies have shown that swimming in a bromine pool or spa can cause rashes. There are two main causes of rashes: chemicals and bacteria. Current evidence links most bromine rashes to high levels of organic bromine by-products in the water. These are formed when the bromine reacts with urine, perspiration and other organic compounds. The best way to get rid of these is to burn them out with a fairly high dose of oxidizer. Use at least two pounds of a chlorine shock (calcium hypochlorite, dichlor, tirchlor, or bleach) or a non-chlorine oxidizer that contains postassium monopersulfate. The second cause of rashes is a bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This bacteria grows very well in both pools and spas when there is less than 1.0 ppm of chlorine or bromine. If the chlorine or bromine is maintained at 1.0 ppm all of the time this bacteria will not grow. How can you tell chemical rashes from bacterial rashes? If the rash starts within 24 of swimming it is likely a chemical rash. If the rash develop at least 24 hours after swimming it is probably bacterial. If the rash is due to chemical reactions you should be very cautious. With continued use of the pool of the rash will continue to become worse and may reach a point where you are not able swimming at all in bromine pools.

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16y ago

Shower right after you get out of the pool, and make sure you put lotion on after your shower so it keeps the moisture in your skin.

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11y ago

No. In fact it may make it worse. Chlorine dries out the skin and with a rash that is the one thing you don't need. Go to the doctor or drugstore. You need a cream.

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Can the fumes from chlorine bleach be explosive?

No but they are corosive and you should avoid breathing them.

Is chlorine bad for dogs?

Not really, but just check your dogs' skin to make sure nothing is wrong, like a rash or anything. If there is then take them to the vet to see what to do about it. But chlorine isn't bad for dogs, actually it's very good for dogs to swim around. =)

What are some dangers of using chlorine bleach?

Chlorine bleach can be a very dangerous and as such it should be treated with care. Chlorine bleach can damage the airways and can also cause damage to skin. As such one should avoid prolonged contact with the fumes of chlorine bleach and one should always wear thick rubber gloves, or other protective gloves, when using chlorine bleach.

When to use chlorine bleach and when to use non chlorine bleach?

When doing laundry, chlorine bleach is used for white clothing only. Non-chlorine bleach is used for other color-safe clothing. Chlorine bleach should always be diluted and never put directly on the clothing; it will weaken the fibers. Chlorine bleach can also be used in the home to sanitize and clean. Be sure to use only on color-safe, non-porous items, such as a toilet or bathtub. Wear gloves when using and always ventilate the room you are in. Also, avoid getting any on your clothes as even one drop will permenantly stain.

How much chlorine powder would be needed for 30000 liter of water to be treated?

Best to avoid chlorine where at all possible, as chlorine is major cause of cancer. These days Ozone gas is being used instead of Chlorine in production of drinking water and also in swiming according playacting to Dr. Farzin banishoraka Chlorine should not be used at all. All Water Clinic equipments that produce the Super water brand only use UV and Ozone instead of Chlorine, and use carbon filters to eliminate all residue's of chlorine in super water. Super-water brand can now be found in Iran as well as Canada , USA, Thailand , Ireland and Australia.

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Chlorine itself is a skin irritant, so you would expect it to worsen a rash of any type.

Can low pH levels or clorhine cause a rash?

Low PH definitely causes rashes. This is because the water turns slightly acidic. As for chlorine, only high chlorine will cause a rash. If there is too little chlorine the water will not be as clean as it should be, but it won't cause a rash.

You work in a chlorine pool and am developing an itchy rash on your face how can you cure and prevent this rash?

Many people are switching to saltwater instead of chlorine because it is less harsh.

Can chlorine cause allergic reactions?

Yes, chlorine can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. This can manifest as skin irritation, respiratory issues, or eye irritation when exposed to chlorine in pools, cleaning products, or drinking water. It's important for those with known chlorine allergies to avoid exposure and seek medical attention if symptoms occur.

What lotion can be used to prevent chlorine rash from pool?

My son gets this type of rash. Sometimes very severely. I just saw a product called DermaSwin Pro taht I am going to try. The description says it prevents this type of rash. I hope it does.

Is swimming pool chlorine bad for a 9 week old?

No, as long as he/she is not swallowing it or developing a rash, then he/she should be fine.

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To avoid getting heat rash, the following precautions should be taken: wear sunscreen, stay covered when in direct sunlight, and if you feel yourself getting hot, go inside.

What to do when you have skin rash caused by hay?

Firstly, avoid further contact with hay if you know that is causing your skin rash. There are ointments from a chemist for treating rashes. Ask the chemist for advice, or see your doctor if the rash is very severe.

Can the fumes from chlorine bleach be explosive?

No but they are corosive and you should avoid breathing them.

Why does there need to be good ventilation when you prepare chlorine in a laboratory?

You have to ensure there is good ventilation when you prepare chlorine in a laboratory because chlorine is toxic so you need to ventilate it to avoid breathing it in.

Does chlorine damage silver?

Yes, chlorine can damage silver by causing it to tarnish and discolor. It can also lead to corrosion if silver comes into direct contact with chlorine. It is best to avoid exposing silver to chlorine, such as in swimming pools or when cleaning with chlorine-based products.