

How do you beat alpha in Megaman battle network blue 3?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Expose his core by shooting at him several times. You should see it open up, and once he starts taking itty-bitty bits of damage from your teeny-weeny little buster (unless you have Guts style), unleash your rage with crazy powerful battlechips! But, metagel and areagrab are useless, so beware of using them, and don't hit his claws--hit his core. It will close up from time to time, so you'll have to keep shooting it.

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Q: How do you beat alpha in Megaman battle network blue 3?
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Expose his core by shooting at it several times, then attack. You'll have to repeat this throughout the battle. His core should be bright purple and wide open before you start trying to damage him.

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