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Wait until the time reaches 200 and then tap on the number. To answer the second question type in "other".

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Q: How do you beat the Easter egg question on the impossible test?
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How do you unlock the Easter egg in the impossible test?

You have to go on the tv question at 2:00.

How do you beat the Easter egg levels on the impossible test?

wait until it says 200 then tap on the number. then for the second answer, type the word "other" --megan

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How do you defeat the Easter egg in impossible test?

Do you mean how do you get it? And if it for the iPhone app, on that TV question, apparently you have to play the game at 2.00 and press the TV. That's what I heard

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You move the "rk" in spork and the word will turn to spoon then tap the spoon.

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Impossible test? Rephrase your question as it makes no sense. At leas not in the categories you listed this question in.

Where is the Easter egg in the impossible test on the I-Touch?

You must adjust your time b4 u start to play. That when you get to the tv question, it is 0200. (use 24 hour clock)

How do you beat the impossible test 2?

Try and try and try

How do you beat impossible test summer?

just do what u want.

How Do you stop the ants on the impossible test?

That is not a question in The Impossible Test available on the iTunes app store.

How do you beat the matches in the impossible test app?

You click on the word match

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You touch the word whale.