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You become a heart surgeon by studying cardiology and specializing in this field. You can take additional classes, residencies and training to become a heart surgeon.

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Q: How do you become a heart sergeon?
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fromm £45000 to £12000

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The sergeon can make a make a mistake and causea really bad situation, or the sergeon can make a really bad mistake, and kill the animal. Very sad.

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Type your answer here... nureau sergeon

How many years of training does it take to learn how to become a surgeon?

You will need to choose your specialty such as neurosurgeon, cardiovascular sergeon, or something like that, and that will take you 4 years of specialization after finishing MD plus 2 year internship.

How much does heart sergeon get paid?

In total, the average Heart Surgeon makes about $375,000 dollars a year. Most Heart Surgeons are on contract with hospitals or surgery centres. Not many Heart Surgeons practice privately unless they do regular Cardiology consults on the side. The Heart Surgeons that are on contract are paid monthly. $375,000/12 months (1 Year) = $31,250 a month. I like the sound of that paycheck!

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exactly what the job name states: X-ray tech to take the x ray of a patient, develop them and preset them to the orthopepic sergeon to further discussion with the patient. I am an Orthodedic sergeon and without a good X-ray tech my job would be alot harder and im your boss =)

When was Cerebral Palsy discovered?

Cerebral Palsy, also known as CP, was discovered by William Little, a English Sergeon, in the 1860's.

What do you call a person whose arteries to the heart become clogged?

A person whose arteries to the heart become clogged has a cholesterol.