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Of course two people that are either married or living together need to have respect, honesty and good communication skills. Having independence in a relationship means you are not fused at the hip and each partner can do their own thing as far as having some head space whether it be behind the computer, reading, hobbies, seeing friends or belonging to a club (sports club for guys and other types of clubs for women.) It means that they can both think for themselves and run the household and any financial problems each on their own. Some couples may reach out to further their education, work on a career or go away with a friend on a holiday. That's independence. Beware! When two people are independent then it's up to both of them to sit down at least one hour a day or at least one day a week and go over what they have been doing, discussing some things, mulling over problems and helping each other to resolve any problems. They should be there for each other! They should ALWAYS make time for each other and have fun together. It's a balancing act, but well worth the hard work. Most men don't like a woman hanging off them and relying on them 100%. Some women don't enjoy being 'cook and bottle washer' for the rest of their lives and wish to have more in their lives and this can be fulfilled by joining groups (perhaps art classes, college classes, night classes in something the partner is interested in.) Many women raising children feel they are left out of the loop and know they are smart and want to be a good mother but also need to use their brain matter to better themselves. Sometimes this can be done at home (raising your children and doing courses to further your education or working from home.) It is true if 'mama isn't happy, then no one is happy!'

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