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12y ago

You cannot block yourself on Facebook, nor can you add yourself to any of your personal Lists.

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Jonathan Mellor does not own a FaceBook account.

When you can use Facebook?

I believe you have to be aged 13+ to use\own a Facebook account.

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How do you block facebook apps?

Go to the persons page you want to block. and underneath the left side of there page there's a button that says "report/block" and choose each. And then you can be on your way.You may download and try facebooklimiter also. See the related link.

Does Justin Timberlake have a Facebook account?

Yes, Justin Timberlake does have a Facebook account. He does not have his own personal page but he does have a fanpage that you can like.

How can you make your own Facebook account?

Go to Facebook and register. The link is below if you need it.

Is Facebook in schools?

They block it unless you use yor own pc.

Does anyone have a facebook account to give away?

You can create your own account on the main Facebook page. You don't even get any advantage of using somebody else's account.