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Q: How do you blow up a bottle of lemonade?
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Put the balloon in the bottle with the blowing up part out and blow it up in the bottle.

Can you put ice cream in lemonade?

Yes of course you can, it won't blow up or anything

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What am I I am full of lemonade?


How do you make a bottle blow up with cheamicals?

throw a stone to it :)

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Why does balloon inside bottle blow in model soda bottle lungs?

Because air takes up space. When you attempt to blow up the balloon, you are adding air to the inside of it. But the air between the balloon and the bottle has no place to go. It will only contract so much.

Where is the lemonade in Panfu?

Go to the Disco Room in the castle and ask the bar keeper...he will give you a bottle of lemonade. Then go back to the volcano and put it in the box. After that, you can take another bottle of lemonade from the bar keeper put it in the box again. you have to come back tommorrow if you want another bottle.

When air heats in a bottle you can a balloon?

The air alone is not able to blow up a balloon. When air in the bottle is heated with a balloon on top of it, the air expands due to the heat and moves and finds more space. This in turn will blow up the balloon.

How can a Lemonade best create an engaging social viewing experience around gaming?

Place a few drops of orange food coloring in the lemonade and mix it up. It will look like kool-aide but taste like lemonade which will effectively blow everyone’s mind.

Which gas can be found in a bottle of lemonade?

Carbine dioxide gas

How many ounces can a lemonade holder?

as much as the bottle says