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Q: How do you break someones water?
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not unless you get caught

Is it illegal to break someones mailbox?

Yes it is so dont do it!

How do you break someones wrist while fighting?

push them down!

How can you break someones arm?

You bend it backwards. Or bend it behind your back.

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try to stay away from them

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Someones got a problem! Break out the ritalin!

How do you break in someones car?

You can drive into the car you want to break when it is parked. It would be best to do this with an old, cheap car that you don't care about.

What if a car rolls backward into another car?

then you break the bumper, them someones gotta pay for damage!

Can you push someones hand off your in water polo?


How do you get rid of someones account in club penguin?

It is impossible to destroy an account, however if you break a serious rule you can be banned.

How can you break up with your girlfriend with hurting her feelings?

Someones feelings will always be hurt during a breakup. Just be honest with her, she will be ok.