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Breakup at either his place or a semi private locale, somewhere you can leave if things get out of hand. Be clear that this is a breakup; don't say vague things about, "needing space," or "taking a break,". Do not go into details about why you are ending the relationship; simply say you no longer have the feelings for him you need to be in a relationship. Also be clear that you feel it's best if you two did not have contact with each other, so that it will be easier for both of you to move on. Accept that his feelings will be hurt, no matter how you word things.

You shouldn't be mean, but be firm about not contacting him and ignoring any contacts of his. If he tends to be clingy, any sign you give him (responding to his calls/emails/texts or going out of your way to say hello) may be construed as you still having an interest in him. Don't give him false hope.

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Sit him down and explain, without offending him, all of the things he is doing that you disagree with. Tell him why it isn't working out and what he is doing wrong. Don't be immature about breaking it off if you want him to learn a good lesson and possibly change in the future.

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10y ago

it helps to keep a bit of a distance from him for a while. then, text him and tell him that you are better off as friends. before you say that, however, make sure that you don't want to be with them ever again! if not, it could be hard to get back together. be prepared to receive a text from him with a long speech about how he loves you. in the end, he should accept the fact that you don't love him. if not, don't talk to him for a while!

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Q: How do you break up with a clingy guy?
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If she says youre too clingy ask her what you are doing wrong that makes you that way (eg are you over protective?) and see if you can improve otherwise tell her thats who you are and you cant change and she must just accept that. If she won't, break up with her. There are loads of girls who want a guy like you who at least cares about them.

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It can vary from guy to guy. But usually, to clingy is when a girl is always around, and never lets the guy leave to go do something else. And when the guy does go do something else, the girl always shows up or insists in coming with the guy.

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First after you break up or realize its not going to work be clingy for about a week. then completely ignore them

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yep if he thinks you are desperate and clingy

How do you know when a guy is too 'clingy'?

He always is holding you, always wants you with him. He just HAS to do everything with you. He calls you up all the time. In some cases, he may get jealous really easily if he sees you even talking to another boy. These are just some of the many ways to tell if your guy is clingy.

How do you break up with a guy with out hearting his feelings?

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