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There is a lot more to breeding a cat than sticking a male cat with a female cat in heat and mating them. Breeding any animal is a huge responsibility and responsible and caring Breeders spend many many years on how to do this correctly, often with help of an older and more experienced breeder who becomes their Mentor.

Breeding cats are ones who are often Champions at cat shows. Cat shows are vital to a breeder as they are perfect places to see other cats of the same pedigree, and can compare these to their own cat, and to see what lines would be best to strengthen the breeder's own bloodline.

By far the most important thing before breeding any cat is to health test both stud and Queen. These tests ensure not only the cats are perfectly healthy, but also free of parasites and various diseases that will be carried from the Queen to the kittens, such as FeLV (Feline leukemia virus) and FIV (feline version of HIV). Some breeds of cat need to be tested for specific things, as some conditions are passed down genetically. Only the healthiest cats should be bred from to limit this.

Lastly, good breeders never make a profit. Ever. Reputable breeders can spend many hundreds of pounds/dollars showing and health-testing their cats, and ensuring the Queen and kittens are healthy and in the best condition. Money always has to be kept aside for emergencies such as a c-section, which is not uncommon. Registering, spaying or neutering the kittens also costs.

Breeding cats is certainly not an easy endeavour. It is a commitment to your cat and her kittens, and must be ready for even the worst possible situation, including feeding newborn kittens every hour or two hours around the clock for several weeks due to the mother rejecting the, or worst

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15y ago

Well, if it's the same as how you do it on pets, then what you have to do is have a male animal and a female animal, whatever species and size or type and whatever else you want to tweak with. Then, you buy a big pet house. You have to make sure that the relationship between the two pets and between a sim and one or both of the pets is high. Then, you select the sim that has the high relationship with the pet, select the pet, then click influence to..., then click try for offspring with, then click the other pet's name. They'll go to the kennel and woohoo, and then a little while later the pet will have its baby. It takes 2 6 pm's for a pet to have babies, and 3 for a sim. Please note: This is based on my knowledge from playing The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack for pc. It might not be so on consoles I haven't played, or if this isn't the console you're talking about. Hope it helps, anyway!

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11y ago

yes you cam but after the cat woohoo there sold be a sigh

love ttllr

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Q: How do you breed cats on the sims 3 pets?
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In The Sims 3 for the PS3 can you have dogs or cats?

No. If you like the pets in the game I suggest Sims pets.

Is there a difference between The Sims 2 Pets and The Sims 3 Pets?

Yes. In sims 3 pets you can have a horse or hamster as a pet along with dogs and cats

How do you make cats breed in the sims 3 pets?

Make both cats like each other and then fall in love with each other. get them some sort of bed and they should do on there own. OR: You can take control of one of the pets and make it breed with the other pet.

What pets are available in Sims 3?

There are a variety of pets to be obtained in Sims 3, including cats, dogs, and horses. In Sims 3 Pets, the user can also collect birds, snakes, and mice.

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You can have 6 real pets (cats, dogs, and horses).

Can you have pets in Sims 3?

Yes, you can have a fish and in Octobe you can have dogs cats and horses because EA is releasing sims 3 pets as an expansion

What pets are there on sims 3 pets?


What type of pets are there in sims 3?

NO the sims 3 doesnt have pets! Yet anyway! I think they might put pets available for download at The Sims 3 Store if they decide to add Pets to The Sims 3. The Sims 2 Pets has sold over 6 million copies worldwide so i think they may take it into consideration about adding Pets and maybe other animals into the game.

Can pets get pregnant on Sims 3?

Yes, cats can get pregnant on Sims 3. Fortunately, cats never accidentally have kittens. You must deliberately breed them. Also, like with dogs, you need a doghouse on your lot before you can breed. Dog houses are really pet houses. When two cats come out of their pet house, after they have courted, the female has the possibility of being pregnant. If she is, you will get a message telling you to prepare for kittens.

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You can't get dogs in the Sims 3 Ambitions. You have to get the expansion, the Sims 3 Pets in order to create dogs, cats, and horses.