

How do you breed hamsters that are a year old?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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easy not to be mean or anything like that. buy a girl and boy hamster from the same litter if you want when you pick them out go to the vet. and breed

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Q: How do you breed hamsters that are a year old?
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Do not breed your hamsters until you learn that "Black Bear" is not a breed and all hamsters breed the same. Do research.

Do pudding hamsters bite?

ALL HAMSTERS can BITE, Pudding hamsters are more mellow, but then again they are harder to obtain, unless u breed your own i have a pudding hamster called Runit because it runs the whele and it is a year and half moth old and it bites me somtimes

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How do you breed baby hamsters at birth?

You can not breed baby hamsters they must grow up before they can do that.

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they can have up to 4 litters in a year.. hoped i helped

When should you breed your hamsters?

a month after both hamsters' births

Where the heck do hamsters come from?

hamsters come from their mamma hamsters i should know i breed them

Can you breed your 8 week old hamster?

No. Female hamsters lose their fertility within one year. If the hamster is male, then it is possible that he is too old as well - I tried mating a younger female with a 1 and a half year old male and it didn't work.

Why do people breed hamsters?

people breed hamsters so there can be more of its kind like if it where rare they would want there to be more of those cute fuzzy hamsters

Is there any hamster breed that gets along?

Syrian hamsters (the most common hamsters) don't get along.Dwarf hamsters can be put together because they enjoy company. Dwarf hamsters get along with other dwarf hamsters of the same breed.

How do you make dwarf hamsters?

By breeding them. Dwarf hamsters are a breed of hamster.

Can dwarf hamsters be bred with albino hamsters?

If they are the same breed, then yes.