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Building a helium atom model is one of the more simple projects kids and parents will face for school. A helium atom contains two protons, two neutrons and two electrons. The nucleus of a helium atom consists of the protons and neutrons. This will be the four center Styrofoam(TM) or foam craft balls in the model. The electrons will be the two outer balls that are stationed on the rings. To build the helium atom model pictured you will need the following supplies.

Supply list to build a helium atom model

Banana tree

2 - five inch crafts rings.

4 - One and a half inch Styrofoam(TM) or foam craft balls to make the neutrons and protons

3 - One inch Styrofoam(TM) or foam craft balls to make electrons (Use of the extra craft ball will be explained later)

Red, blue and green craft paint (Spray paint is not recommended)

4 to 6 toothpicks

Fishing line or thread

Clear tape

Dull bladed knife

Straight pins


Paint your foam craft balls

Paint two of the large one and a half inch balls red. Paint two more of the one and a half inch balls blue. These are your protons and neutrons for the helium atom model. Next, paint three of the small one inch foam balls green. Two of these will form the electrons for the helium atom model. Be sure to paint the extra foam craft ball for use later. Allow to dry.

Holding the two craft rings, push one ring inside the other

When in position, add a strip of tape to hold in place.

Connect your four large foam craft balls with toothpicks

Put together one red and one blue ball by pushing a toothpick all the way in. Do the other red and blue ball the same way. Once these are connected, take toothpicks and connect the two separate pieces. Your colors should alternate so that you do not have two reds or two blues side by side. These four foam craft balls form the nucleus for the helium atom model.

Attach fishing line and hang

Loop the string through the middle of the four connected balls and tie. Hang this from the hook on the banana tree.

Add smaller foam craft balls on rings

Take the two smaller foam craft balls for your electrons and carve an indentation half way through the balls. This will allow them to slip onto the rings. Once in place, take the extra foam ball and carve out a tiny wedge to glue over the opening on the electrons. Remember that only one ball should be on each ring.

Assemble and label

Hang the metal rings on the banana tree and adjust the helium atom model. Label your helium atom model and use straight pins to keep in place.

Construction of this helium atom model should not take more than an hour. I made this helium atom model for under ten dollars using many of the things I found in my own home. Be creative and search out things you already have on hand to keep expenses to a minimal. Remember to enjoy the time spent building your helium atom and have fun with your kids along the way.

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