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You must first learn every single thing about elephants and study it for 40 years straight with NO life and no LADY ;) 'INTERACTION', then become so much of a genius that you would have to have brain super powers. Then have so much brain superpowers that you are dead, and then be so dead that you are a ghost, and THEN come back to life as an elephant after 10000000000 years, and rule the earth till there are 3038473075037508357........ .01elephants ( there will be a 0.1 of an elephant by then ), and then they will form together whilst MAKING some dung and turn into one super cool elephant named SLICK and is a fan of Joshie-also loved by Rowley ( a LEGEND ), and THEN you have built 1 ELEPHANT! Or you can do it the hard way, and clone an elephant- but in my opinion, that is bear hard ( I DONT mean that it will turn out as a bear (hopefully not (and too long))) so there YOU go, soon to be SLICK!

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Q: How do you build an elephant?
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