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Q: How do you build on a lot when you already have a house in sims 3?
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Where do you get a piece of land to build a house in sims 3?

You have to choose a blank lot that is already there or u can bulldoze an existing residential or community lot and change its type and build and whatnot.

How can you build your own houses on the sims 3 wii without using one of the styles?

On The Sims 3 for Wii You can't build your own house without using one of the Styles it gives you. If you Buy a House that's already there on the map then you have that house. If you buy the empty lot for 7000 or more then you get to choose the style of house you want but you simply cannot build the style of house you want.

How do you place a house on an empty lot in SIMS 3?

An empty lot means that you have to build the house yourself.You can buy a house, though.You have to choose one. Sorry!

Do yoyu have to buy a lot to build a house in sims 3?

No you can buy a prebuilt house or move in some houses from the inventory thing in edit town.

What is cheat for sims 2 for expanding land around house?

There isn't a cheat for getting more land, just buy a bigger lot and build the house on that.

Do you live on the beach in sims 3?

It is possible to live in a house right next to the beach, but not "on" the beach. Yes you can live on the beach , you have to go on edit town then click on a community lot on the beach and click change lot type then you can move sims onto it and build a house.

What are the build a house cheats for The Sims 3?

You don't need a cheat to build a house, but to Build or Buy on a lot that is not your house, use testingcheatsenabled true and press shift and click on the lot. Your options will be: Teleport Me Here, Build On This Lot, or Buy On This Lot. For putting objects in places you want them to be without those red things (you know, the aura-like things that indicate were you cannot put something) showing up, use moveobjects on.

Why are my Sims still in the family bin in a different neighborhood when I have already moved them into a house?

In The Sims and The Sims 2, families go into the family bin when they are moved out of a residential lot. In The Sims 3, families have unlimited uses, meaning that they will only disappear out of the bin if deleted.

In The Sims 2 can young adult sims become plant sims?

Yes, if they rent a house, not rooms. Because the only thing you can do in dorms in Build Mode are changing wallpapers and floors. And if you have the house, everything is available. So, move to a house, make your garden, and use a lot of pesticides, take care of your garden. . . Good luck!

What is a lot on sims 3 ambitions?

a lot is any house or building.

How do you make your house an island Sims Double Deluxe?

Go into Lot Mode where you just build the lot without any money. Use the water tool and add water all along the edges of a large property. Make sure to leave land in the center on which you will build your house. You can also do this after you've moved a Sim into the lot with the water tool - adding water all around the lot through the build mode.

Where do I buy doors in The Sims 3?

Go to build mode, A blue script of a house should come up. Click on the door and choose between a lot of doors:)