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Q: How do you burn PS1 games on disc with no torrent?
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Can a Playstation 3 burn a disc?

No the PS3 does not burn discs and you can not take a disc and download it to the harddrive on the PS3. You can purchase and download many PS1 games from the Playstation Store

How do you change discs on downloaded ps1 games on a PS3?

Do you mean burned on disc PS1 games or downloaded into the PS3 harddrive

Can you play a ps1 disc on a PS3?

Some PS3's play PS1 and PS2 games. Others reject them.

Is it possible to play ps1 games on a windows XP?

yes you can download a psx(ps1) emulator from the Internet with some others which should be instructed and pop the disc in and wham! Like the person on the top said, a emulator works well and some sites also have free PS1 game downloads too! Check torrents if you want too. is a good torrent site, I recommend it.

Can you play PS1 games on your PC using the original game disc?

I'm not a 100% sure but I don't think you can.

Would it be possible to play backed-up PS1 or 2 games on PS1 or 2 without a mod chip or gameshark or anything?

Yes, it is possible. You will need disc software such as a "boot-disc". These can be obtained from several locations. I used to do homebrew on the Sega Dreamcast, and I used something called "Utopia Bootdisc". I was able to burn the .iso image perfectly, and then it booted backups, etc perfectly. Of course, that was the Dreamcast. Sony uses a special color-coded disc, however I don't think this really matters. You just need a boot disc. Look around. See if you can find a boot-disc iso. Make sure you burn it at 4x, or even 2x if possible. Sometimes you have to "play" with the PS1 to make it read the boot-disc. Make sure no cd's are in the console. Turn it on with a original, straight PS1 game. As soon as the white PS1 logo appears, quickly open and swap discs. If done correctly, this will force the console to bypass the region lock and read your swap(boot) disc. This is also known as the 4-Second-Trick. Hope that was helpful!

How do you burn ps1 games.?

Get your disc, or find a torrent of the game you want. Go download IsoBuster, it will let you take out the contents of the game disc/iso (which will be given in the torrent). Once you have installed IsoBuster take the contents out of the disc or iso etc. Make 1 copies of them and put them in a folder in your desktop. Name the folder "b2d1: (put the name of your game here)" get a the disc you want to burn this on (preferably a CD-R), before you burn the both copies, you must find the Disc ID. This is the biggest list that I could find of Disc ID's . Ignore the PSP part, you need the PSX ID to make this to work. Now what you need to do is make text file with notepad in the folder B2D1: (game name). Name it the PSX ID code. Now! with your text file open, type out the names of the files In the folders DEMO DEMO2 MS PERM and ST that SHOULD be found in the Data folder of the Iso Or disc (if not you have to go download another one or buy another disc). Once you have typed these out next to each you have to write (I prefer copy and paste) the PSX code, an example of this can be found below. SPACE IS NEEDED!! DEMO_OP PSXCODE (write the psxcode not just psxcode) DEMO_SE PSXCODE DEMO_ST PSXCODE (etc.) OK FINALLLYY. Once you have done this get your CD-R disc(s) and burn it. If the contents can't all fit into your disc, Put half in 1 disc and half in the other, if their is to much for this disc split it up into 3 discs and so on. You will only have to switch discs once you have played it all , since all of them are written in the same PSX code you can use the same file to load the games from. After you have burn it, snap it into the Ps1,2 or 3 and play! this only works with ps1 games as far as I know, so give it a try. OH and if your going to split up the discs you'll need to have txt file in each disc or you can't switch discs! Go out have fun :D

How do you play games on the PS1?

You open the game case, take the disc out, open the PS1 by pressing the "open" button, lifting the lid a BIT more, placing the disc in the center, gently pressing on the middle of the disc until it clicks in place, close the lid until IT clicks in place, & press power.

What do you do when the computer's CD drive does not read a PS1 disc?

You can't put a PS1 disc in your PC, it depends if your computer allows video game systems

Can you play PS1 games on your PC using the original game disc On a windows XP computer with SP3?

I don't think that you can.

Can you use ps3 games on the PS1?

No the PS1 could never even read a blue ray disc or a PS2 DVD let alone run the software program to make the game work