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Q: How do you calculate average atomic masses of elements?
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How do the decimal places on the atomic masses of elements realate to isotopes?

The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of masses of the isotopes of the element, weighted in proportion to their abundance.

An average of the masses of all the naturallly occurring isotopes of an element?

The weighted average for all isotopes that occur in nature for an element is its atomic weight listed on the Periodic Table of the elements.

How you calculate the relative atomic weight of uranium?

The atomic weight of an element is derived from the atomic masses of the isotopes of this element and from the percentage of these isotopes. The correct terms are: - atomic weight for elements - atomic mass for an isotope

What did Dimitri Mendeleeve do?

Dmitri arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic masses. He arranged elements in rows and columns according to atomic masses.

What is the average mass of the mixture of an elements isotopes?

All of the isotopes in an element's atomic masses divided by the amount of isotopes there are is the weighted-average mass of the mixture of an elements isotopes.

Why the atomic mass numbers listed for elements on the Periodic Table are not whole numbers.?

Why are atomic masses of elements not generally whole numbers? The atomic masses listed on the periodic table are a weighted AVERAGE of an element'sisotopes. ... An element's atomic number is the number of protons in its nucleus. Number of protons specifies atom type.

The average atomic mass of an element is the average of the atomic masses of its?

The average atomic mass of an element is the average of the atomic masses of its isotopes (that is a weighted average). You have to take into account the abundance of each isotope when they do your averaging.

When masses combine to form elements with larger masses?

Atomic fusion occurs when masses combine to form elements with larger mass.

How did Mendeleev arrange chemical elements?

He arranged the elements in the increasing order of their atomic masses and repeating periodic properties.

What elements have such small masses that they are not even considered when atomic masses are calculated?


How are the atomic numbers and the atomic masses of the elements related to how the elements are arranged on peridoic table?

Elements are arranged in a periodic table by atomic number, lower on top and left. Atomic masses have no direct relationship to the arrangement of atoms, although generally atoms with higher atomic numbers will have higher atomic masses. (There are at least three exceptions for atoms with atomic numbers differing by 1.)

Why atomic mass of an element is not a whole number?

in case of some elements which has isotopes the atomic masses are different so the average is taken out which may come in decimals.