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d = 1/2*g*(t^2) + d(initial)

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Q: How do you calculate free-fall acceleration?
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Related questions

What is the difference between freefall and a non freefall?

the difference is freefall is when some object falls and non-free fall is when you through something. freefall is in a constant speed at the acceleration of 9.8m/s/s.

What does freefall acceleration depend on?

Acceleration is change in velocity. So it depends on both velocity and time.

In freefall heavier objects fall with a greater acceleration than lighter objects?


Is it possible for an object in freefall to have no acceleration?

No, but it is possible to not have an increase in speed. Because velocity is a directional quantity, not a scalar one, an object in freefall (by definition within a gravity field) is always under acceleration, just not necessarily one that alters its speed or even its position. Objects in orbit around a planet are in freefall (hence weightlessness) where the tangential component of their forward motion opposes the pull of gravity.

In freefall heavier objects fall with a greater acceleration than lighter objects A True b false?


Give one example of an unbalanced force?

unbalanced forces cause acceleration, an object in freefall has gravity as an unbalanced force.

How do you calculate the acceleration of gravity?

To calculate the acceleration of gravity, time (t) an object falling a certain distance (d) and the acceleration of gravity= d/t

Is it true that to calculate acceleraltion you need to know both the final and the initial velocity of an object?

No. That's only one of several possibilities. -- with initial velocity, distance, and time, you can calculate acceleration -- with final velocity, distance, and time, you can calculate acceleration -- with force and mass, you can calculate acceleration -- with initial and final momentum, you can calculate acceleration -- with initial and final kinetic energy, you can calculate acceleration -- with mass, velocity at either end, and kinetic energy at the other end, you can calculate acceleration And I'm sure there are several more that I've missed.

How do you calcuclate the acceleration of a moving obect?

how do you calculate the acceleration of a moving object.

Can a watch be used as an accelerometer?

No. An accelerometer measures its own acceleration relative to freefall. A watch just tells time. One can extrapolate his or her acceleration relative to freefall using a watch, but the watch itself can't tell you how fast you're accelerating. If you're the one doing the calculation, you're the accelerometer, in a sense.There are watches with accelerometers, but an ordinary watch can't be used that way.

How do you calculate linear acceleration?

How do you calculate a objects acceleration?

Acceleration = (change in speed) divided by (time interval)