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The Runkel ratio of wood fiber is calculated by dividing the length of the fiber by the square root of the width of the fiber. The formula is R = L / √W, where R is the Runkel ratio, L is the length, and W is the width of the fiber. This ratio is used to describe the flexibility and bending properties of the fiber.

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The density of water is 62.5 the specific gravity of the wood is 55 what is the density of the wood?

The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of water. Given that the specific gravity of the wood is 55, we can calculate its density by multiplying the specific gravity by the density of water. Therefore, the density of the wood is 55 x 62.5 = 3437.5.

Is acetate fiber is regenerated cellulose?

Yes, acetate fiber is a type of regenerated cellulose fiber. It is made by converting cellulose from wood pulp into a soluble compound, which is then spun into fibers. Acetate fibers are known for their smooth feel and lustrous appearance.

What is the mix ratio borax boric acid and water make preservative of wood?

The recommended mix ratio for a borax, boric acid, and water wood preservative solution is typically 1:1:8. This means combining equal parts borax and boric acid with 8 parts water. This mixture can be applied to wood to help protect it against decay and insect damage.

State two physical properties of wood?

Wood is lightweight and has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making it ideal for construction and furniture-making. It is also a good thermal insulator and can resist heat and electricity to some extent.

Where does viscose and cellulose acetate come from?

Viscose is derived from wood pulp or cotton cellulose, which is chemically treated to create a semi-synthetic fiber. Cellulose acetate is made from cellulose derived from wood pulp or cotton and then chemically treated with acetic acid. Both materials are commonly used in the production of textiles and clothing.

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Who invented wood fiber paper?

wood fiber man, cant be women they belong in kitchen

What wood is best wood pulp or fiber wood?

Wood pulp is typically preferred over fiber wood for making paper due to its shorter fibers, which help create a smoother and more uniform paper surface. Fiber wood, on the other hand, is better suited for applications requiring longer and stronger fibers, such as in construction materials. Ultimately, the choice between wood pulp and fiber wood depends on the specific needs of the end product.

How can you tell if wood is about to break?

When the wood is about to break the fiber of the wood on the edge from where is about to break emerge from the center and you get to know that it is about to break.

What is stronger wood pulp or plant fiber?


-------is a semi-synthetic fibre?

Rayon is a semi-synthetic fiber. It is a regenerated cellulose fiber from wood pulp.

Can you use a fiber cement saw blade on wood?

No, it will burn the wood and cause a lot of smoke.

What are the pros and cons of using wood fiber insulation?

Wood fiber insulation is cheap and relatively easy to install. However, it does not have the same insulation factor level as fiberglass insulation.

What do potatoes and wood and lobster shells have in common?


Is an oboe made of wood?

no. fiber glass. but the double reed is.

What are the zephyr skateboards made of?

carbon fiber and ply wood

Can you eat wood and be ok?

Strangely enough, yes. In the 1970s a bakery introduced Fresh Horizons bread, which was "low-calorie, high-fiber." We later learned that the fiber was wood pulp.

How do you make a loom in alchemy classic?

Fiber + Wood + Tools = Loom