

Best Answer

You need to know the thickness of the chequered plate to calculate weight.

As a thumbrule, for 12mm thick chequered plate, you can consider 10 kg per sq.ft. Multiply by area to get the total weight.


You cannot mix units like that. You give the dimensions in mm and kg then introduce feet - it should be all Imperial or all metric.

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Q: How do you calculate the galvanized steel round pipes?
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Answer These are different descriptions for a part. Tubular Steel describes the shape. Steel can be ordered in different sizes and shapes and material properties. Tubular Steel is one type of shape and the process for making the tube will cause the properties for that steel to be slightly different. Galvanized Steel describes a type of finish that protects the steel from corrosion. This process alters the surface of the steel that keeps it protected and thus can be used for construction where it is exposed to the elements. I'm sure you can order a steel tube that has a galvanized finish. Many chain-link fences are made from galvanized steel, including the round posts. Custermen

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Galvanized pipe will be silver/gray color. Copper will be copper. Use a magnet, it'll stick to galvanized pipe but not to copper. Drinking water lines should not be black steel pipe.

Can i put galvanized steel on a kitchen floor?

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density of galvanized steel 7850kg/m3

How do you calculate the weight of galvanized steel pipe?

Ignore the zinc content. Just calculate the volume of steel in the given type (e.g schedule 40), size and length of pipe and multiply by the density of that grade of steel.

What is the difference between galvanized steel and zinc steel?

Galvanized steel sheet is basically indistinguishable from zinc steel. If you want to buy galvanized steel sheets. You can go to Shanghai Changzheng, which is the choice of most people for its superior quality steel sheets.

What is gsm in galvanized steel?

Galvanized Sheet Metal

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Where can I find some galvanized steel wire online?

If you want to buy galvanized steel sheets. You can go to Shanghai Changzheng, which is the choice of most people for its superior quality steel sheets.

What are galvanized stairs?

Stairs made of Galvanized steel. It's a type of anti-rusting steel.